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Top Ten Tuesday: Books With My Favorite Color On the Cover

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books With My Favorite Color On the Cover.  I'm spotlighting my most recent reads that have blue covers.  Here we go, beginning with the my most recent reads:

Opal (The Raven Cycle #4.5) by Maggie Stiefvater

Unearthed (Unearthed #1) by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner

Windsworn (Gryphon Riders #1) by Derek Alan Siddoway

Spill Zone (Spill Zone #1) by Scott Westerfeld & Alex Puvilland

Arrowood by Mick Finlay

The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August by Claire North

Arm of the Sphinx (The Books of Babel #2) by Josiah Bancroft

See What I Have Done by Sarah Schmidt

The Oathing Stone (The Rituals Trilogy #2) by J.Z. N. McCauley

Cold Days (The Dresden Files #14) by Jim Butcher

Have you read any of these books?  What's your favorite color?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I do love a blue cover. You've picked some gorgeous ones!

    1. Thanks! And these are just from my recent reads. :)

  2. Unearthed is awesome. I love blue covers!

    1. It's easily one of my favorites so far this year.

  3. Yay! Another fan of the color blue! Love your list and I really need to read Unearthed sometime!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Woot!

      The audiobook production is pretty darn good, Ronyell.

  4. The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August was such a great read.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

    1. It really was, wasn't it!

      Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. The only thing I've read on this list is Unearthed but there are several on here that are part of my TBR particularly Opal and The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August. Great list and such a lovely color!

  6. I had a lot of blue books on my read shelf. It seems very popular for covers. I love the Opal cover and really want to read it too.

  7. Great list! I love the cover of See What I Have Done, but, I think the UK cover with the orange sprayed edges is lovely, too.

    1. I'd haven't seen the UK cover - I'll have to look for it. I really wanted to like that story more though...

  8. I haven't read any of these, but I LOVE the cover for Unearthed (which is on my TBR) and See What I Have Done. ♥ My personal favorite color's probably pink. :)

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I hope you can pick them up soon, and that you enjoy them, Aimee! :)

  9. I like blue as well and you've definitely chosen some books I'd love to read. My fave is purple though. I've tried to read See What I Have Done and need to try again as I really couldn't get into it.

    1. I couldn't really get into it either - and not for lack of trying. Love the cover though! :)

  10. Blue is one of my favorite colors too😊 I love the way these look together, and you've reminded me I need to read Arm of the Sphinx!

    1. I hope you like Arm of the Sphinx - it's a fantastic sequel. :)

  11. Blue seems to have been a popular choice this week!
    My TTT:

  12. I find blue covers to be so calming! I haven't read quite a few of these.

    1. Exactly - contents may not be but the cover sure is! :)

  13. I've haven't seen the cover for Opal before and ahh it's so pretty 😍 Blue's my favourite colour so I'm always drawn to blue book covers :)

    - louise // exploring by starlight>

    1. Mine too! I might have squealed aloud when I saw it for the first time.

  14. I chose blue, too. It seems to be a popular color today. (Probably because it’s an awesome color.) I love the cover of See What I Have Done. I kind of want to own the book for the cover alone.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  15. Ooo! Arrowood looks really interesting and spooky!! Love the cover design, too.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren. :)

  16. Oooh awesome list! I have some of these on my tbr, I've read the Opal story, and what's more important is that these covers are all so beautiful. :)

    Marina/Books of Magic

    1. They are so beautiful! :)

      Thanks for coming over, Marina.


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