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Sunday Funday: Deadpool 2 (2018) - Review

Happy Sunday everyone!  I can't believe it's already Memorial Day Weekend - it's nice to have some time off!  This weekend is the 44th Utica Sertoma Ice Cream Festival at Velvet Ice Cream's Headquarters which is one of my favorite events to go to during this holiday weekend.  It's is the first real fair of the season and really kicks off the summer.  I got to go on Saturday and their new flavor,  pineapple upside-down cake, was really tasty!

Anyway, this past Tuesday I had the opportunity to see Deadpool 2 at the movie theater.  The first film was great (read my review here) and I had high hopes for the sequel and it really delivered.  Keep reading for my thoughts on the movie, and to see what movies I'm hoping to next up at the theater:

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I wouldn't say Deadpool 2 is better than the original movie but it's still just as great. My favorite new addition to the cast is easily Domino - and yes her power of luck is extremely cinematic. Josh Brolin's Cable is also very commanding whenever he shows up on screen. Plus, I liked having the chance to see Julian Dennison back on the big screen as Russell aka Firefist. If you haven't seen him in Taika Waititi's Hunt for the Wilderpeople, I can't recommend it enough. I was so pleased to see he got cast in this big budget superhero movie and is getting some much deserved attention. Go, Ricky Baker! Anyway, as you can expect there are a ton of laugh out loud moments, jokes, and fourth wall breaks. As much as I was planning on talking about the awesome everyman Peter and his mustache, I definitely have to mention one of the other members of the X-Force called The Vanisher. Basically, his character is invisible and we only see his face for a couple of seconds - did you catch who plays him? Oh my gosh, I couldn't believe they got him for the part! Wow! Finally I wanted to mention that quick little group cameo in the mansion. Yes, it makes you question the timeline of the X-Men movies timeline even more, but it was a good laugh.

Now I'm going to mention some things I was a little underwhelmed or disappointed with in this movie. I was hoping to see a little more of the X-Force aside from Domino after seeing them featured in the trailers like they are. Somehow I totally missed the fact that Bill Skarsgard appears as one of the group. I also wish that that *that* didn't happen to Vanessa before the opening credits rolled since I really enjoyed her part in the first movie, but at least we got those titles during the opening credits. I also wish we got to see a little more of Leslie Uggams as Blind Al, but I will say that her scenes that we do get are pretty great. I was also hoping to see more of the Essex Home for Mutant Rehabilitation, though Eddie Marsan gives it his all as the Headmaster.

Overall, Deadpool 2 is a great sequel with a lot of crazy action scenes, cool CGI, and a fantastically warped sense of humor. It totally earns its R-rating and is definitely worth seeing at the theater. However, it never quite manages to outdo its predecessor, but either way it's still quite a ride. Don't forget to stay for the mid credits scene (but don't worry about staying all the way until the very end). Before today, I didn't realize how much I needed an action sequence set to Dolly Parton's "9 to 5". Here's to hoping we get to see Deadpool again soon. By the way Marvel/ Fox, you should really hop to it on a Domino movie and that Black Widow movie. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't mind seeing them cross over into each other's stories.

My review was originally posted on Letterboxd.

Next Up:

Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25th) - I'm hoping to see this one on Tuesday (I like to take advantage of the great discount the movie theater offers on Tuesday).  Han Solo is one of my favorite characters in this series and I'm anxious to see what Alden Ehrenreich does with the character.

Incredibles 2 (June 15th) - Okay, The Incredibles is one of my favorite movies and I absolutely can't wait to catch up with the Parr family.  I can't wait to see more of Jack Jack's new powers!

How has your week been?  What movies have you seen recently?  Are you planning on seeing any of these?  As usual, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I want to go to an ice cream festival. I love that stuff! They had this pop up ice cream museum in NYC last year, but I was not able to get tickets. Hope it's fantastic!

    1. It was a lot of fun - and the weather held off, too. An ice cream museum sounds awesome - if it shows up again I hope you can get tickets. :)

  2. There are SO many great movies coming out!! I can't wait to see the new Winnie the Pooh! :)

  3. I saw Deadpool 2 this past week, and it's a good thing the theater wasn't very crowded because I laughed out loud through a lot of it. :D I thought Domino was awesome and would definitely love to see her in future films!

    1. There was plenty of laughs at my filled up theater. I hope she's back if we get more of these movies.

  4. I saw it last week too! I couldn't stop laughing at the X-Force action and the way it had ended before it even started :) I always love when they break the fourth wall and we have a lot of that in the Deadpool movies. They are great!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. It's one of my favorite aspects of his character! :)

  5. I really want to see this!! I'm so glad to hear you thought it wasn't a complete flop (that's what I was really worried about because the first one was so great). What I loved most about the first one was all the satirical references and it sounds like they keep that theme going in the second one; I hope I can see it soon!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. I hope you like it when you get the chance to watch it! :D


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