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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Slay A Lion To Get Early

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books I’d Slay A Lion To Get Early (submitted by Emma).  Well, I wouldn't do that, but I might be willing to sneak by a lion while distracting it with a big box and some catnip to get these books!  Here we go, in no particular order:

On The Come Up by Angie Thomas - Release date: February 2019 - Thomas's debut was absolutely stunning and I can't wait to see what she does here.

The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air #2) by Holly Black - Release date: January 18, 2019 - I needed this as soon as I finished book one, honestly!

Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3) by Cassandra Clare - Release date: December 4, 2018 - Another one I needed immediately after that ending of book 2! *sob*

The Dark Days Deceit (Lady Helen #3) by Alison Goodman - Release date: November 20, 2018 - I am so not ready for this trilogy to come to a close, but I need it!

A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney - Release date: September 25, 2018 - This Alice in Wonderland retelling sounds like it's going to be awesome!

Vengeful (The Villains #2) by V.E. Schwab - Release date: September 25, 2018 - More Victor, Eli, and Sydney?  Yes, please!

The Hod King (The Books of Babel #3) by Josiah Bancroft - Release date: September 2018 - I adored books one and two, and I'm dying to see more from this world!

Kill the Farm Boy (The Tales of Pell #1) by Delilah S. Dawson and Kevin Hearne - Release date: July 17, 2018 - The Princess Bride meets Discworld by the author of The Iron Druid Chronicles?  Take my money!

My Plain Jane (The Lady Janies #2) by Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows - Release date: June 26, 2018 - I was hooked on My Lady Jane and I can't wait to see what these authors do with Jane Eyre!

Chain of Gold (The Last Hours #1) by Cassandra Clare - Release date: 2019 - Of course, this is on my list - it's the start of a new Shadowhunter Chronicles series.  Plus, it follows a Blackthorn, Will, Tessa, and their kids!  No word on a cover yet, though.

What books would you do just about anything to get your hands on early?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. A Blade So Black does sound like a grand adventure, and I love how "clean" yet fierce that cover design is. Also, despite not having read the first 'Jane' book, I'm quite excited for this new one!! :)

    1. Yes, I love that cover!

      It's going to be great. :)

  2. I can totally understand why you'd want most of these books early. They look so good!

  3. Queen of Air and Darkness is definitely on my too!

  4. I need Wicked King and haven't even read Cruel Prince yet lol! But I started reading it at the bookstore the other day and was hooked!

    1. It's so addictive!

      Thanks for coming over, Greg!

  5. OMG, Kill the Farm Boy! I didn't know Hearne had a new one like this coming out after Iron Druid finished up!!

    1. I just recently found out about it and knew I needed it!

  6. I still need to read My Lady Jane...and Vicious (but I own this one, so it will happen soon!!!)


  7. I've seen Vengeful on several lists. I've heard good things about V.E. Schwab, but I haven't read any of her books yet. I really need to check her work out soon. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. She quickly became one of my favorites that's for sure! :)

  8. I'm excited for My Plain Jane too!

  9. Kill the Farm Boy sounds SO good! I can't wait for it.

  10. I haven't read THUG yet, but I've heard such good things about it. I'm sure Thomas' second one will be good, too. I've heard a lot of buzz about it.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Fingers crossed!

      Thanks for coming over, Susan. :)

  11. My list should have been longer because I really want to read so many of these. I am also in great need of The Wicked King and A Blade So Back. I'm not ready for Lady Helen's series to be over either.

    1. It was so difficult to narrow down, wasn't it!

      I hope that series will end well.

  12. I have no idea how I haven't managed to pick it up yet but I STILL have to read Vicious. But at least now I have a deadline... gotta get caught up before the second!

  13. I still need to read Vicious, but I'm weirdly excited for Vengeful because I've been seeing all V's tweets about it this year!
    My TTT:

  14. I need the final TDA book like yesterday, and My Lady Jane is a definite for me too.

  15. Awesome list! I'm dying for a copy of Vengeful, I'd seriously give up all my other books to get it😁

  16. I can't wait for Vengeful, The Dark Days Deceit, and Queen of Air and Darkness, too. I have some catching up to do with the latter 2 series before reading their finales, and with how quickly this year is going, I'd better get a move on, lol.

  17. I NEED A LOT OF THESE! Namely On the Come Up and The Wicked King! <3 I can't wait to get my hands on those two!

  18. I'm eagerly awaiting On the Come Up (even if I haven't read THUG yet) and A Blade So Black! I also need to start The Dark Days Club and My Lady Jane so I can await the sequels with you. ♥

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I bet you'll love The Dark Days Club and My Lady Jane, Aimee!

  19. ZOMG. Let's team up and slay beasts for The Wicked King. The wait is agonizing D:

  20. On the Come Up, for sure! I forgot to add that one to my list but I'm looking forward to it!

    1. Fingers crossed it'll be as good as I hope it will be!

  21. Oooh fun list! I definitely would love to read On the Come Up- especially since it was originally slated for this year, sobs. My Plain Jane looks really good too, and A Blade So Black! Hope you get these soooon!

    1. I didn't realize that about On the Come Up, huh! So many great things coming soon!

  22. There's already two books in Goodman's series?? I need to get reading that asap. I keep forgetting because there's so many others! Your list is great. Lots of ones that I would have included on mine if the limit had been Top 20 books!

  23. I also want to read Kill the Farmboy, The Wicked King and Vengeful, even though I haven't yet read the first parts of the last two, I just know I'll love them. :) My Plain Jane is available as arc on Edelweiss+ if you're interested, I just got approved, and I saw the Farmboy there too. :)

    Marina/Books of Magic


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