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Ragis Blog Tour

Happy Sunday everyone and welcome to my stop on the Ragis Blog Tour from Fiery Seas Publishing, LLC.  Read on to learn more about this book, the author, see an excerpt from the story, and enter a giveaway!  On to the tour:

Ragis by Donna Migliaccio
August 28, 2018
The Gemeta Stone Book 4
Fiery Seas Publishing, LLC

Kristan Gemeta is teetering on the brink of madness.

His sister Melissa has defied him. His friend Olaf has betrayed him. The Wichelord Daazna’s ghostly laughter mocks him when he’s awake and robs him of his sleep at night. Even the protective powers of his legendary Stone are turning against him.

And now his companions, his ship and its precious cargo have been taken hostage. Kristan must give chase, in an unseaworthy vessel manned by an angry centaur crew. Ahead lie unfriendly waters, an ominous destination and a confrontation Kristan dreads.

In his despair, Kristan longs for the one person he has always trusted: his beloved Heather. But she’s far away, about to step into a trap that will endanger not just her command, but Kristan’s life.

Excerpt from Chapter One:

In the bow, Astéria stared intently ahead, then looked back to Torrin and pointed toward the horizon. “Vlépo éna fωs,” she called softly. “Light.”

Nigel craned his neck. “That’s the Terrafina beacon – it’s on the southernmost point of Norwinn. Once we round the point and turn north, we’ll be headed toward Stratheden waters.”

“Terrafina – that’s where Pratchett said you ran aground, isn’t it?” Torrin asked.

“The same. If you’re right about the Northmen, we can follow their lead and make it through the shoals safely.”

Torrin stood up to watch as Chári, her lips pressed tightly together, navigated them past the Terrafina beacon. Kristan stood as well, captivated by the sight of the steady light shining through the darkness ahead of them. “I’ve seen it on maps, and mentioned in Norwinn’s reports,” he murmured. “I always wondered what it looked like.”

“In daylight it’s not much to see,” Nigel said, joining him at the rail. “Just a rough stone tower about the height of four men standing on each other’s shoulders, but by night it’s a welcome sight.”

“What keeps the light going?” Torrin asked.

“Two keepers, working in shifts,” Nigel said. “On top of the tower is a beacon, partially enclosed by glass windows. The keepers stoke the fire through the night, and during fog and storms. During the day, they sleep. I got to know them when we were grounded here. Pratchett barely gave them the time of day, but I thought they were interesting fellows.” His mouth gaped in an enormous yawn. “Well, there you have it. The southernmost point of your realm, Kristan.” He settled onto the deck, pulled his blanket over his head, and soon his breathing deepened to a light snore.

Tired as Kristan was, he was too riveted by the sight of the beacon to close his eyes to it. As they swept past it, he clung to the rail, hair whipping around his face. Something about the small tower, upright against the wind, its light sure in the darkness, seemed familiar. Heather, he thought. It’s like Heather.

He slipped one hand into his pocket, wondering if the blue ring he had purchased in Seagirt had survived its dunking in the Mor, and the mauling of his clothing at the hands of the Kentávron. It was still there, smooth against his fingers. Even as the touch of it heartened him, even as he slid it onto his finger, a scoffing voice in his head berated him, saying, Why do you keep it? To keep part of her with you? If you want to keep her safe, better throw it into the sea, along with whatever she’s meant to you.

“What about you, Kristan?” Torrin asked softly. “What do you wish for? If you could go anywhere in the world, do anything you wanted – what would you do? Where would you go?”

To Heather, Kristan thought. I would find Heather. I’d sit with her, talk to her, hear her voice, look into her eyes, feel the touch of her hand, and find comfort at last.

But he dared not say the words aloud.

Buy Here:

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Rafflecopter Giveaway - Win a necklace like the one on the cover - open till August 31st.

About the Author:

Donna Migliaccio is a professional stage actress with credits that include Broadway, National Tours and prominent regional theatres.

She is based in the Washington, DC Metro area, where she co-founded Tony award-winning Signature Theatre and is in demand as an entertainer, teacher and public speaker.

Her award-winning short story, "Yaa & The Coffins," was featured in Thinkerbeat's 2015 anthology The Art of Losing.


  1. This series definitely isn't for me, but whilst reading your post, I couldn't help but notice the references to 'Pratchett'. Given the genre, I wonder if the mentions are an intentional reference to Sir Terry Pratchett?

    Sorry if this has been mentioned before, if you have read one of the previous books in the series.

    Enjoy the book when you it gets to the top of your reading list and thanks for sharing :)


    1. I definitely want to try this series in the future - it sounds pretty tempting to me. :)


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