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The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton (ARC) - Review

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I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

These are the rules of Blackheath - Evelyn Hardcastle will be murdered at 11:00 p.m. There are eight days, and eight witnesses for you to inhabit. We will only let you escape once you tell us the name of the killer. Got it? Well, then. Evelyn Hardcastle will die every day until Aiden Bishop can identify her killer and break the cycle. Every time the day begins again, Aiden wakes up in the body of a different guest and some of his hosts are more helpful than others.

The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton is one of the most hyped up books of the season - and I'm stunned I managed to get approved for a copy via NetGalley. The premise is fascinating and luckily for me it's one of the coolest mysteries I've had the opportunity to read. It was such a fun challenge to work my way through. I was a little worried about keeping track of the timelines and POVs. I'll admit I was a bit thrown at first, but once I got into the swing of things I became absolutely hooked on Turton's lushly detailed and atmospheric writing style. Everything is plotted out magnificently - I can't imagine how it would look to be on the other side of the page keeping all of it straight. Wow!

Overall, Turton's debut totally delivers with only a couple of minor snags along the way. It's addicting, fast-paced, and just the right kind of loony. Thinking back on it now, it would say it could be even more intriguing to go in blind. Anyway, I don't want to give away anything more, but just take my word for it you need to pick up this new release. I can't wait to see what Stuart Turton does in the future.

I read this ARC from September 17 - 20, 2018 and my review is also on Goodreads.


  1. Now I'm worried that I won't be able to keep the timelines straight! This sounds hella cool though!

    1. Luckily all the chapter headings are labeled. :)

      I hope you like it when you try it!

  2. I'm so excited to get to this, I also have a NetGalley copy, so glad you loved it😁

  3. Whoa, this one sounds trippy, but I like. I'm so curious about this one now. Thanks for sharing a review of this one!

    1. Trippy is a good word to describe it, that's for sure. :) I'd like to hear your thoughts on the story, Alicia. I have a feeling you'd probably like it.

  4. I have heard some pretty good things about this in reviews and am leaning towards getting it- sounds really interesting.

    1. I've seen a lot of positive reviews for it since it came out in the UK back in February. :)

      Thanks for coming over, Greg!


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