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Sci-Fi Month 2021 - Sunday Funday: Week 2 Update

Happy Sunday Funday and welcome to my second weekly update for Sci-Fi Month 2021!  Sci-Fi Month is a month long celebration of all things sci-fi and it's hosted by Lisa @ Dear Geek Place and Imyril @ One More.  (Image credit: Photo by Liu Zishan on with a quote from Babylon's Ashes by James S.A. Corey). This month is moving right along, isn't it?  And, so far, I'm having a great time!  Keep reading to see what I got up to since this time last week:

My Sci-Fi Month Posts This Week:

What I Watched This Week:

I've made it through the third episode of Rugal now and I'm enjoying how it's going along so far.  It's had a couple of unexpected twists on top of some really cool action sequences to keep me on the edge of my seat.  I think this is going to be good!


I like Arnold's brand of sci-fi action movies and Predator was no exception.  Plus, I had no idea that that handshake meme was from this movie - and it takes place between Arnold and Carl Weathers.  Also can I help it if every single time I see Carl Weathers any more I always have Combat Carl in the back of my mind?

My review is also on Letterboxd.

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I've always thought that Sam Rockwell has been an actor to watch, but I'd say that Moon is my favorite performance of his. He easily commands this one man show. I'm glad I went in almost blind because it had me hooked and that building sense of dread throughout was excellent. If excellent is the right word that is. I just wish I had the chance to see this back when it was new, but better late than never I guess.

My review is also on Letterboxd.

 ❋ ❋.5

Stowaway  is a solid old-school sci-fi movie that would fit right in on the original Twilight Zone.  It's suspenseful and grim with a small yet talented cast that uses it's claustrophobic and limited setting well.  I'm always happy to see Daniel Dae Kim and Toni Collette do well so it was good to see them in these roles.  I was really surprised I didn't recognize the actor playing Michael, Shamier Anderson, until nearly the end of the movie.  I was really surprised when I realized he was also Agent Dolls on Wynonna Earp.  My only real complaints are that it's way too long at an hour and fifty-six minutes and that it can get somewhat repetitive.  Otherwise, if you're a fan of the genre, you'll definitely have to give this one a chance.

My review is also on Letterboxd.

What I Read This Week:


Shroud of Sorrow (Doctor Who: New Series Adventures #51) by Tommy Donbavand was a solid story, but not one of the best stories.  It starts off well, but it could quite maintain it throughout.  The author did a good job capturing the tone of the Eleventh Doctor yet I didn't quite see that with Clara in comparison.  My favorite aspect were easily all of the call backs, especially Astrid Peth. I really liked her.  

My review is also on Goodreads.

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Amnesty (The Amberlough Dossier #3) by Lara Elena Donnelly is an absolutely fantastic finale to what has been a fantastic alternate Weimar Republic Art Deco inspired trilogy.  I've loved getting to know all of these characters and their world over the course of three novels.  Donnelly really saved the best in this finale!  I don't want to give anything away, but if you haven't started this series yet I can't recommend it enough especially in audiobook format.

My review is also on Goodreads.

The Silent Stars Go By (Doctor Who: New Series Adventures #S1) by Dan Abnett really got the Doctor and Rory's voice right. A little less so when it came to Amy, but I'll admit that I was just glad Rory got to do a lot of good stuff in this story.  Rory is one of my favorite companions and it's always good to see get to stand in the spotlight.

My review is also on Goodreads.

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Dark Age (Red Rising Saga #5) by Pierce Brown is a fantastic installment of what has been a marvelous series and I can't wait to see what's coming up next.  I'm glad I took a chance on the audiobook format because the production is excellent.  It's very long, but it's well worth your time.  I'm really looking forward to the upcoming installment and I'll definitely be on the look out for the audiobook.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Beautiful Chaos (Doctor Who: New Series Adventures #29) by Gary Russell really captures David Tennant's Tenth Doctor and Catherine Tate's Donna Noble really well.  I love that it really focuses on the Doctor and Donna's friendship since they're a couple of my favorites, but the I'm glad it also gave Sylvia, Donna's mother, a chance to shine as well.  As always, I was especially happy to see Wilf - he's another favorite of mine.  Otherwise, this story was quite moving and emotional given it's framing of Donna's fate at the end of the series four of the tv show.  Be sure to have a tissue on hand once you get to the end of this story.

My review is also on Goodreads.

What have you been up to this past week?  Are you taking part in Sci-Fi Month this year?  Have you read any of these books?  As always thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below.


  1. I finished only one book this week because of school. You read like 5 books. I am jealous of your time management!

    1. Well, the Doctor Who books were pretty short and the others were on audiobook. :) So that helps.

  2. Predator was a trip. I liked Billy. :) And yeah the handshake meme! Ha that's classic.

    I just saw Stowaway on Netflix and was wondering about it. Will definitely give it a shot!

  3. I need to check out Moon, it looks so good!

    1. I wish I had seen it back in 2009 and I hope you'll like it!


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