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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): How To Sell A Haunted House by Grady Hendrix


On Friday's I take part in two weekly link ups - The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice, and Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader.  For The Friday 56, you choose a book, a book you have just finished, a book you are about to start, your current read, and share a line or a few lines that grab you (but don't spoil anything) from page 56 or 56% of the way through the ebook. Post it and share your post's url on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post. As for Book Beginnings, you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires, and then link up your post's url with Rose City Reader. 

Happy Friday everyone! This week I'm spotlighting one of my most anticipate releases, How To Sell A Haunted House by Grady Hendrix.  Hendrix is one of my favorites and I'm just happy to be reading a new story!


Louise thought it might not go well, so she told her parents she was pregnant over the phone, from three thousand miles away, in San Francisco.


We are not weird.

Louise drove off Isle of Palms repeating that to herself.

My family is not weird.

Have you read this book or this author?   As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I haven't read anything by this author but the excerpts have my attention. I think I would like this one.

  2. I've been seeing this book around a lot lately, and I'm definitely intrigued. Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  3. I've heard this book is scary! I hope you enjoy it.

  4. Since reading Horrostor I've wanted to read more!!! Such a good writer! Happy weekend!

  5. I haven't read it yet, but it is on my TBR list. Thank you for sharing about it. Have a great week 😉


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