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Magical Readathon: Orilium - Choose Your Own Adventure: Year In Aeldia - January Update

Happy Thursday everyone! Today I'm sharing my thoughts on the book I read for January for the Choose Your Own Adventure: Year In Adelia, an additional challenge to G. @ Book Roast's Magical Readathon.  You can see my full tbr here.  Without further ado, check out my mini review below.

Turn Right - Finish A Series (January):


All of Our Demise (All of Us Villains #2) by Amanda Foody and Christine Lynn Herman was one of my most anticipated sequels.  I was really looking forward to seeing how it would wrap up the duology.  While I didn't quite love this as much as I did the first book, it was still an excellent novel.  I especially appreciated the level of detail in the world-building.  We also get to see a little more of what's going on outside of the tournament as well with the media and the families.  The characters all get their moments to shine, but Alistair probably has my favorite character arc overall.  If you're looking for a book with great morally grey leads, this duology is one to read.  I just wish the story didn't quite slow down as much as it did, but either way it's well worth it if you loved the first book.

My review is also on Goodreads.

Are you participating in this challenge?  Have you read this book?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


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