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Top Ten Tuesday: Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag


Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday which is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag.  If you live in the U.S., you'll know that today is Independence Day, so happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans!  Anyway, all of the books I'm featuring below are some of my favorite books with the colors red, white, and blue on the cover.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order by title:

The Buried and the Bound (The Buried and the Bound #1) by Rochelle Hassan

A Letter of Mary (Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes #3) by Laurie R. King

Little Thieves (Little Thieves #1) by Margaret Owen

Rebel Robin (Stranger Things #4) by A.R. Capetta

Reticence (The Custard Protocol #4) by Gail Carriger

A Scatter of Light by Malinda Lo

Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda (Creekwood #1) by Becky Albertalli

Spear by Nicola Griffith

Super Powereds: Year 1 (Super Powereds #1) by Drew Hayes

Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts by Rebecca Hall

Have you read any of these books?  What are some of your favorites featuring the colors of your country's flag?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. A great collection! I hope you enjoy all of your celebrations today.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  2. Simon and the Homo Sapiens Agenda is so good. I should have added it to my red books!

  3. Wow, you managed to get all three colours into all of yours, I didn't manage that, I had a different mix of combinations and a few with all three! I love the cover for Little Thieves, it's so lovely :)
    My TTT:

  4. Very cool covers! Have a happy Fourth! Here's my TTT:

  5. That Stranger Things one looks like a great fit AND seeing a book by Gail on your list reminds me I still have to read a book by that author! They sound so fun.

  6. Great choices! There's some I never would've thought of here!

  7. Little Thieves cover is so pretty, i have this book in my tbr

  8. I haven't heard of The Buried and the Bound but I love how dynamic that cover is.

    1. It's a real hidden gem. I bet you would love it, Alicia!

  9. This is a nice group of covers, it seems like it would be hard to find ones with all three colors!


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