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Trope-ical Readathon - Team Fantasy - August 2023 Round Announcement & TBR

Hello everyone!  Today I'm sharing my plans for the August 2023 round of the Trope-ical Readathon which is hosted by @jenjenreviews and @bookrob13.  It will run the entire month of August and I'm joining Team Fantasy this round.

Like previous rounds, there are fifteen total challenges to complete - two team challenges and thirteen common challenges (you either read a book that fits the given trope or one that fits the alternate prompt).  Each team also has two choices for your Team Book read as well.  For each challenge you complete, team book you read, and each page you read, you earn points for your team  You can also follow the official Trope-ical Readathon on Twitter and with the hashtag #TropeicalReadathon.  Without further ado, let's get to my tbr: 

Team Book:

My choice: To Shape A Dragon's Breath (Nampeshiweisit #1) by Moniquill Blackgoose - I wasn't at all familiar with this new release until I this round of the challenge but it sounds excellent.

Team Challenges:

1. Read A Book With The "Portal Fantasy" Trope

My choice: The Hollow Places by T. Kingfisher - This author is one of my favorites and I can't wait to try this horror fantasy.

2. Read A Book With A Non-Human Main Character

My choice: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves: The Druid's Call by E.K. Johnston - This YA novel is set before the movie and I can't wait to see how it handles Doric.  She's such a cool character.

Common Challenges:

1. Absent/ Dead Parent(s) or A Book With More Than One Author.

My choice: Anglo-Saxon England by Jennifer Laing and Lloyd Laing - I picked this history up at a yard sale not too long ago.  It sounds like it could be a fascinating read.  This fits Book With More Than One Author.

2. Hand-Picked Crew or A Cover Buy Book

My choice: The Baby in the Icebox and Other Short Fiction by James M. Cain - I spotted this at a used bookstore and couldn't resist and I liked what I've read from Cain in the past so I thought I'd give it a try.  This fits a Cover Buy Book.

3. The New Kid In Town or A Genre You Don't Usually Read

My choice: Oliver's Story (Love Story #2) by Erich Segal - One of my friends passed this on to me.  It doesn't look like my sort of thing at all and I haven't read the first book, but I did see the movie once (Love Story). This fits a Genre You Don't Usually Read.

4. Multiple Timelines or A Book You Previously DNF'd

My choice: The Nesting Dolls by Alina Adams - A friend of mine gave this one to me to try, so I'm giving it a shot for this challenge.  Plus, I really like the design of this cover.  This fits Multiple Timelines.

5. Love Triangle or Followers/ Friends Choose Between Two Books.

My choice: Notorious Sorcerer (The Burnished City #1) by Davinia Evans - This sounds really cool and I love that cover.  This fits Followers/ Friends Choose Between Two Books - you can check out my Likewise Ask here.

6. Recent Loss or A Recent (2023) Release

My choice: The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Survival Medieval England by Brandon Sanderson - This just sounds like fun if you ask me.  This fits a Recent (2023) Release.

7. Mixed Media or An Audiobook Or An Ebook.

My choice: Hannibal (Hannibal Lecter #3) by Thomas Harris - I happen to have this audiobook on CD, so I thought I'd give it a try.  This fits an Audiobook.

8. Outbreak/ Pandemic or A Comfort Read

My choice: Omega Days (Omega Days #1) by John L. Campbell - This fits Outbreak/ Pandemic.  It's still so odd to read about that sort of thing anymore.  Anyway, this is the first in a series of zombie books.

9. Found Family or A Book In A Series.

My choice: Grounded! (Nicole Shea #2) by Chris Claremont - Nicole Shea definitely reminds me of a pulpy Carol Danvers and I'm definitely interested to see where this sci-fi sequel goes.  This fits Book In A Series.

10. Food Themes or Devour A Book In 24 Hours

My choice: James Herriot's Yorkshire by James Herriot - I love All Creatures Great and Small - both the books and the tv series - and I can't wait to read this.  This fits Devour A Book In 24 Hours.

11. Revenge or A Banned Book

My choice: The Summoner (Chronicles of the Necromancer #1) by Gail Z. Martin - I've liked what I've read from this author in the past and this sounds like it has potential too.  This fits Revenge.

12. Bookish Themes or Pun In The Title

My choice: The Library of the Dead (Edinburgh Nights #1) by T.L. Huchu - I've seen some mixed reviews on this, but it sounds pretty cool.  This fits Bookish Themes.

13. Retelling or TV Or Movie Adaptation

My choice: Mickey 7 (Mickey 7 #1) by Edward Ashton - I bought a copy of this from a local indie bookstore.  The cashier had recommended this book - and he told me it was very weird and some updates he had recently heard about the upcoming adaptation.  I was sold.  This fits TV Or Movie Adaptation.

Are you taking part in this readathon?  Have you read any of these books?  What one should I read first?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


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