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Wyrd & Wonder 2024 - Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I’d Love a New Book From

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday which is is hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  In honor of Wyrd & Wonder 2024 (a month long celebration of all things fantasy co-hosted by Lisa @ Dear Geek Place, imyril @ There’s Always Room For One More, Ariana @ The Book Nook, Annemieke @ A Dance With Books, and Jorie @ Jorie Loves A Story (artwork by Ehtisham Sajid), my post has a fantasy flavor.  This week's topic is Authors I’d Love a New Book From, and in honor of Wyrd & Wonder I'm featuring fantasy authors.  Without further ado, here we go:

Ryka Aoki - Light from Uncommon Stars was great and I'm really looking forward to seeing what her upcoming book will be like.

Mishell Baker - I can't recommend this author's trilogy called The Arcadia Project enough.  I would love to see more fantasy from her in the future.  But, she has been facing terrible health problems and I know that this probably will not happen.  

E.J. Beaton - The Councillor was really good and I'm hoping book two in that series will come out soon.  Just generally more books from her in the future, please.

M.H. Boroson - I loved his series, The Daoshi Chronicles, so much and I really hope they'll be another installment.  Or, even anything else he cares to write!  Please!

Susanna Clarke - I absolutely loved Piranesi and Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - I would love more fantasy from her in the future!

Curtis Craddock - The Risen Kingdoms series is amazing and I would love to read more fantasy from this author one day.

Scott Lynch - Please, I'm desperate to read The Thorn of Emberlain!

Peadar Ó Guilín - His Grey Land series was so cool and creepy.  I hope we get to see more fantasy from him in the future.  If you like Holly Black or Maggie Stiefvater, you'll have to give his work a try if you haven't already.

Rob Thurman - I loved the Cal Leandros series and I was crushed when the publisher cancelled the series with Everwar, the eleventh book which I believe was to be the finale.  And, after such a big cliffhanger with the ending of Nevermore.  I hope the author is doing okay.  Maybe one day...

Cat Winters - I've really enjoyed all of her YA and adult historical fantasy and I hope that we'll eventually get to see more of her work.

What authors would you like more books from?  Are you taking part of this challenge?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Great choices! I love Cat Winters and Curtis Craddock. Happy Tuesday!

  2. It's very obvious I'm not a fantasy reader because I'm not familiar with *any* of these authors. :) I hope you get some new ones from these authors soon!

  3. Great post. Here is my post

  4. I have both books by Susanna Clarke in my tbr, i want to read piranesi this summer

  5. I would love more books from M. H. Boroson. I had forgotten about him, but I adore his series so much😁

  6. Oh no. How can they cancel a series at the final book after such a long stretch too!


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