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Top Ten Tuesday: Authors I've Read The Most Books From

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week the theme is Authors I've Read The Most Books From which promises to be quite interesting.  I'm going to be using a tool from Goodreads that figures your most read authors based on your ratings and reviews.  Here we go, beginning with my most read authors:

Stephen King - 35 books
Favorites include: The Shining and Doctor Sleep, The Eyes of the Dragon, 11/22/63, 'Salem's Lot, and The Dark Tower series

R. A. Salvatore - 24 books
Favorites include: The Legend of Drizzt series

Jim Butcher - 16 books
Favorites include: Storm Front, Death Masks, White Night, Changes, Ghost Story, Furies of Calderon

Lemony Snicket - 15 books
Favorites include: The Bad Beginning, The Reptile Room, and The End, Who Could That Be At This Hour?

Terry Brooks - 15 books
Favorites include: The Original Shannara Trilogy and The High Druid of Shannara Trilogy

Charlaine Harris - 15 books
Favorites include: Dead Until Dark, Dead to the World, and All Together Dead

Darren Shan - 14 books
Favorites include: A Living Nightmare, Trials of Death, Killers of the Dawn, and Sons of Destiny

Rob Thurman - 13 books
Favorites include: All Seeing Eye, Chimera, The Grimrose Path, Nightlife, and Blackout

Wendelin Van Draanen - 13 books
Favorites include: Sammy Keyes and the Hotel Thief, Sammy Keyes and the Search for Snake Eyes, and Sammy Keyes and the Wedding Crasher

Katherine Appelgate - 13(+)
Favorites include: The Everworld Series and The Animorphs


R.L. Stine - I know I grew up reading tons of his work that I haven't kept track of online!
Favorites include: Goosebumps, Give Yourself Goosebumps, and Fear Street

So what do you think of my list?  Have you read these authors?  What were some of your favorites?  Do you have any recommendations for me?  All comments are appreciated and I try to reply to each and every one!


  1. So wild how most of these authors could've been on my list, especially if I had stuck to more recent times. However, over my lifetime, my TTT is sort of lopsided in favor of more prolific writers rather than especial brilliant authors who might write less. This was a hard top ten for me to figure out just how to decide how to qualify why certain authors made it on the list. R. L. Stine probably should've made the list, but I'll never revisit his books and so I left him off. Again, this list was so hard for me.

    1. This was a difficult one to qualify. I know there are so many I haven't marked on Goodreads, so getting exact figures wasn't that easy.

      Thanks for commenting!

  2. I loved Leminy Snicket growing up. They are still fun books!

  3. Jim Butcher made my list too (as you know--thanks for visiting!). :-) I just love his books. Charlaine Harris is another one we have in common. I haven't yet tried her new series, but I plan to at some point.

    Great list!

  4. I haven't read the Lemony Snicket's book, I really need to do it! I have heard great things. Wonderful list! Happy Reading!

    1. A Series of Unfortunate Events is a must read - I hope you'll enjoy it! :)

  5. Stephen King made my honorable mentions. I really thought I had read more from him, but I'm only at 10. I'll have to work on that. :)

    1. Thanks for sharing! I hope you check out more of his books. :)

  6. I completely forgot about R. L. Stein! He would have made my list; I loved reading Goosebumps as a kid :) - Maggie @ macarons & paperbacks

  7. They were fun at the time though. :)

    You can't go wrong with Stephen King!

  8. R.L. Stine is great, and I'm a King fan too! I've been meaning to read 11/22/63, but the length is so daunting. That's the case with all of his though, and I usually can't resist for too long. So, I'm sure it won't be long until I get into that one. Thanks for sharing and for visiting Bookworm Book Reviews!

    1. 11/22/63 is one of the best time travel books - I hope you'll like it! :)

  9. I'm really curious about the Shining. Would you say its better than the movie? Great list!

    1. I like the movie as a movie, but honestly the book is so much better. If you're going to read Doctor Sleep, you'd have to read The Shining first to make sure you get everything. :)

  10. Butcher made it onto my list as well! I just love this week's theme.

    My TTT:

  11. King has been popular this week! I'm a scardy cat, so I have never read any of his works! Lemony Snicket is such a fun author and I love how he created a persona to go along with his novels! I have only read Why We Broke Up written by him under Daniel Handler, but I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it.
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. I've noticed that! Lemony Snicket/Daniel Handler is great - I loved the story about how he made the persona. :)

      Thanks for commenting!

  12. I really love Lemony Snicket and I know should continue on with A Series of Unfortunate Events but I'm never seem to be in the mood for it. Anyways, lovely list! :)

  13. Awesome list! You have some authors I really want to read more of like Jim Butcher! And I really need to start the Drizzt series because everyone adores it, and I literally just sold the trilogy today based off of that.

    1. Butcher is one of my favorites! I'm so glad Drizzt is getting some more attention - he's one of my favorites out there. And, you know, I adore the new cover art. :)

  14. Great list! I totally forgot Lemony Snicker! I read the entire series of his! Wow. I can't read Stephen King, I'm a big scaredy cat!

    1. Thanks! Snicket is so great! I love his style. Thanks for commenting!

  15. Great list! I've been meaning to read more from Terry Brooks, I read his first Shannara trilogy and Magic Kingdom for Sale! back in high school but then never got back to check out his other books. Some time perhaps...

    Thanks for dropping by
    my TTT earlier this week! :)

  16. Yay for Lemony Snicket! :D I've read 20 of his books...but omg, 35 from Stephan King?! THAT IS INCREDIBLE. I am in awe. :O
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!

    1. My old middle school and high school library had a ton of King's books - I got started early!

  17. The only books I've read form the authors in your list is R L Stine and Stephen King. I've only read The Shining and it freaked me out so much that I'm kind of scared to read his other books.

    1. I think that one definitely tops the list as one of his scariest! Thanks for commenting!


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