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Top Ten Tuesday: My Auto-Buy Authors

I can't believe it's already Tuesday again!  Oh, how the time flies!  This week for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is Your Auto-Buy Authors.  I wish I had the money to buy all of my favorite authors' books and it's so too difficult to narrow it down to just ten, so here are my top thirteen.  Here we go, in no particular order:

J.K. Rowling

Marissa Meyer

Maggie Stiefvater

Rob Thurman

Jim Butcher

Neal Stephenson

Andrew Smith

Neil Gaiman

Cassandra Clare

Rick Riordan

Rick Yancey

Scott Westerfeld

Patrick Ness

So, what do you think of this week's list?  Do we share any authors?  All comments are more than welcome and I try to respond to everyone.  Happy Tuesday!


  1. Great list! I only share J.K. Rowling with you. I haven't read any of your others but I definitely have plans to read around half of them and even own a few of their books.

    My TTT

    1. Thanks for commenting, Lauren. I hope you will like them when you get to them!

  2. Wonderful list. I really love Jim Butcher, especially The Dresden Files.

  3. We have Rick Riordan and JK Rowling in common this week. :)

  4. This is a great list. I love Marissa Meyer's Lunar Chronicles. Maggie Stiefvater is completely awesome as well.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great list. I don't have many authors on my auto-buy list but Marissa Meyer is definitely on mine too!

    1. You can't never go wrong with her! Thanks for commenting!

  6. Nice list! JK Rowling and Marissa Meyer made it onto my list too :)

    Here's my TTT

    Claire @ Book Blog Bird

    1. They seemed really popular this week, didn't they? :) Thanks for sharing!

  7. Marissa Meyer was on my list too! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. Great list. We do share a few in common. Cassandra Clare would never make my list because I didn't like City of Bones even a bit.

    1. Thanks for commenting! I preferred The Infernal Devices. :)

  9. Great List. I was unable to put her on my list because it is a Top Ten list and I couldn't just keep on writing all the authors names but Marissa Meyer is on my list too...

  10. Meyer and Ness were on my list! I didn't enjoy A Casual Vacancy, so I didn't put Rowling on my list, but honestly, I probably will read whatever she writes just out of curiosity. Not a fan of Clare or Riordan, find Stiefvater to be hit-and-miss. Westerfield is solid, I've liked the small amount of Yancy and Smith I've read. Never tried any of your others, so now I'll have to go investigate!

    1. I'm interested to see what you think of them! :) Happy Reading!

  11. Omg you have so many of my favorite authors here!! Stephenson, Gaiman, Clare, Riordan, Yancey - what a power list!

  12. I share Rowling and Gaiman with you, but I also agree with Stiefvater, her style of writing has grown on me, she is just so talented!

    1. Incredibly talented! Thanks for visiting and commenting!

  13. Awesome list!! I loved More Than This by Patrick Ness and cannot wait for his new book!. And Rick Yancey is just amazing! I have yet to read Andrew Smith and J.K Rowling.... but I will :P

    1. I still need to read More Than This, and I'm really looking for his newest one too!

  14. This is a pretty awesome list! Neal Stephenson is slowly but surely becoming an auto-buy for me. J.K. Rowling isn't quite an auto-buy either, for me. I was too disappointed with A Casual Vacancy.

    1. I've really enjoyed the audiobook productions of Stephenson's work.

  15. Great list! I listed J.K. Rowling too. Definitely going to check out some of the other authors you listed.

    Renee' My TTT

    1. I hope you'll like them! Thanks for visiting and sharing!

  16. Anyone who has Maggie Stiefvater on their list is an automatic BFF, so congrats :P Plus so many awesome authors, you have excellent taste in books, it is official!

  17. Wonderful list, you can't go wrong with any of those authors xx


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