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Springtime Giveaway featuring Unhinged by A.G. Howard

I've said this before but I love a good giveaway - free books are the best!  So in honor of reaching over 10,000 page views on my blog (which I still can't believe!) and the full-fledged arrival of Spring, I'm hosting another giveaway.

This time I'd like to share with you my love of A.G. Howard's Splintered series by giving away the second book, Unhinged (if you like you can also check out my review).

Look how beautifully the violets growing in my yard compliment the cover!  If you'd like to win this copy of Unhinged, be sure to see the Rafflecopter widget below!  The giveaway begins right now and ends at 12 a.m., May 15th.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

May the odds be ever in your favor!  Good luck!


  1. I really enjoy where Howard is taking the series! I hope you like it as much as I do - Good luck and thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  2. Still haven't read this book. For shame. :-( Loved the first.


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