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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Will Probably Never Read

The theme for this week's Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, is a different one.  It's Books I Will Probably Never Read.  When I realized what the theme was I probably looked just like this: 

Ha!  Can you see the panic behind the eyes?  I didn't even want to think about some of these for various reasons, but I pushed through it anyway.  The ones I have included below are titles I have absolutely no intention of ever picking up.  

Books I never want to open:

Series I never want to continue:

As far as I'm concerned, these books just aren't for me. 

 What do you think of my list?  Do we share any dislikes?  Are there some you would have expected me to include, or are curious to see if I would read them, or already have?  Or, do you like these and are disappointed that I've included them here?  Please feel free to share your thoughts below! 


  1. Always good to see 50 shades on some more lists! I quite enjoyed the film 'Eat, Pray, Love' but never got on with the book.
    My TTT

    1. Agreed. I haven't seen the movie and I don't really care to read the book.

  2. I had never even heard about most of these books except 50 shades of grey and eat,pray,love :P

    Neal Kind
    Daily Diaries

  3. Replies
    1. I think my problem with it is that it sounds so much like The Bachelor - and I irrationally hate The Bachelor...

  4. I read Eat, Love, Pray and HATED IT!!! Ugh, everyone raved how great it was, but I thought the author whined a lot.

    Here's my TTT post for this week:

    1. I've heard so many people say the same thing - they've loved it, but I just wasn't interested.

  5. Oh I LOVED The Selection, I guess I can see why others dislike it but I just can't not love it. Haha. Don't read Fifty Shades. I made the mistake of reading not only the first but ALL the books. *shudders* Thankfully I wasn't stupid enough to go see the movie.
    I've read the whole freaking Matched trilogy even though I hated the first book too. It does not get better than the first book, it got worse tbh.
    You think Fallen was bad? Try Torment and you'll realise that considered to it Fallen is a masterpiece. In Torment all the characters lost the little remaining brain they had. Also, ready for a love square? I've only read the first three books but that was bad enough.
    Are you asking yourself why would anyone continue series she hates? I used to finish every series I started because I felt bad for giving up. I never said I'm normal haha.
    Great list. I agree with everything but The Selection and I want to give a chance to Shatter Me.

    Veronika @ My TTT

    1. I couldn't even make it thought half of Matched or Fallen. I'd heard so many good things about them, but I just couldn't stand it any longer. From what I've heard, Shatter Me is also pretty divisive.

  6. Yeah, the Jodi Meadows series just wasn't for my either. Gah, I should have put that on my list. Glad to see 50 Shades! It's tragic that that book even exists. Here's my Top Ten!

    1. I just don't understand how 50 Shades is so popular. The Jodi Meadows series completely lost the thread for me when the plot was dropped for the romance.

  7. I ended up DNF Eat, Pray, Love. I just couldn't finish it no matter how hard I tried. I also included 50 Shades, I feel like that's on everyone's list.

    Tina, The Bookworm

  8. I would love to know WHY on some of them (because I know nothing about the book!) But definitely some overlap (50 shades) and one that I would have included if I hadn't pushed it from my mind long ago (Atlas Shrugged)....

    1. I had to read The Fountainhead for school and it completely turned me off of anything else Rand had written. I was so angry during the whole thing.

  9. I forgot about Eat Pray Love. I've only read the Eat part, set it down, and never went back to it! That should have made my list.

  10. I haven't read any of these, but most of them are on my never-to-read list, so I agree :) I should've thought of the first 2, too.

    Also, I think I need to do a list some time with series that I won't continue. There are quite a lot that I've read the 1st book (especially YA), but I'm not interested enough to read the sequel.

    1. I know what you mean about continuing a series list - I could have easily done one about that.

  11. Totally agree with 50 Shades and anything Ayn Rand. I enjoyed Crossed (I'm a sucker for YA dystopian novels), but I can see why some wouldn't enjoy it.

    1. I usually am to when it comes to dystopian, but it just wasn't working for me...

  12. Believe it or not I actually read the whole Fallen series. The first book wasn't all that interesting but I liked the third and second books! The last book was just okay.....

    Eileen @ BookCatPin

  13. I am absolutely with you on The Secret, Eat Pray Love, and 50 Shades. I have no desire to read any of those books. I have a thing against, "Oh look how I found myself" type memoirs, and Eat Pray Love fits into that category.

  14. Oh, Ayn Rand is a good pick; it's one of those semi-intellectual things that people don't always think of when it comes to picking on books. I mean, the criticism is fair, but 50 Shades of Grey took a real beating today!

  15. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'll never read Atlas Shrugged and I KNOW I'll never read The Secret. I loved The Selection, though. I read Shatter Me and I was disgusted by Warner. When I heard he becomes the love interest, I wasn't pleased. I don't think I'll continue that series. Thanks for stopping by Michelle's Minions!

    1. You're welcome and thanks for visiting mine, too! I heard the same thing - I just don't get it.

  16. I agree with the Fallen series, 50 Shades of Gray, and Atlas Shrugged. I read Anthem this year for school and I really disliked it. I disagree with all of her philosophies, which are present in all of her books.

  17. I agree with the Fallen series, 50 Shades of Gray, and Atlas Shrugged. I read Anthem this year for school and I really disliked it. I disagree with all of her philosophies, which are present in all of her books.

  18. The Selection was on my list this week too! Fifty Shades of Grey was also on there as well as the Matched trilogy.
    My TTT:

    1. When the whole plot revolves around romance I tend to lose interest...

  19. I listened to the first installment of the Selection and I have to admit it wasn't for me .But some strange part of me kept listening to the end even though I was not enjoying it. I hoped there might be some resolution...but alas, not so much.

    Thanks for stopping by my book blog. (Nashville BookWorm)

    1. I've done the same thing before with audiobooks - it's like I'm hypnotized or something.

  20. I listened to the first installment of the Selection and I have to admit it wasn't for me .But some strange part of me kept listening to the end even though I was not enjoying it. I hoped there might be some resolution...but alas, not so much.

    Thanks for stopping by my book blog. (Nashville BookWorm)

  21. And here I thought I was the only one who didn't enjoy Shatter Me. I really didn't like that book, but the series has a mighty following.

    1. Personally, I just don't understand, but to each there own. :)

  22. As you know I agree about The Selection, but I cannot believe I didn't put Fifty Shades on my list! I don't ever plan to read that one.
    Great list!

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog. It just went without saying, huh. :)

  23. I love the little video things. I can't remember what they are called.

    I agree that the topic made me panic! You are the second person with Cass on your list. I never even considered those books. To be honest, I don't even know what they are about! I should because I see them so frequently!

    1. Thanks - they're called gifs by the way. :)

      I've seen them pop up a few times. They sound like dystopian version of The Bachelor. I like dystopian, but I can't stand The Bachelor.

  24. I picked up Unravel Me at one stage but decided never to finish it because it just wasn't holding my attention.
    I found Asunder to be much more interesting than Incarnate, so I'm glad I continued that trilogy (though I have yet to read the last book).
    I won't be reading the Fallen or Matched books either.

    1. Glad to hear that about Fallen and Matched. I just couldn't go any more than a few chapters into them before I gave up. I liked the premise of Incarnate, but once the love story took over not so much. I hope you enjoy the final book. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  25. I'm with you on The Secret and Eat Pray Love -- no interest at all!

  26. I have no intention of reading 50 Shades as I hate erotica and sex scenes in books are a bore for me. I have never been interested in reading Ayn Rand. In fact I agree with your entire list based on trying and hating other books by these authors.

  27. Hated everything about "Eat, Pray, Love" so I'm with you there. Curious as to why you won't read "The Secret" though.

    1. Mostly I couldn't stand the hype surrounding it and then once I found out what the secret actually was I just couldn't be bothered.

  28. I've heard Eat Pray Love is a cute read D: I'm undecided now haha! Interesting picks here :-)

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog. It may be, but from what I've heard it's just not my type of read. :)

  29. I'm pretty indifferent to most of these too, except Asunder but only because I have Incarnate on my shelf and I need to read it. The Selection was pure fluff, good for when you don't want to actually put effort into reading.

  30. First - you win the whole day using Monty Python gifs:). The Secret! I ignorantly borrowed a DVD based on this book out of the library once, not really knowing what it was about and than at there for 40 minutes just blinking with this total WTH look on my face before turning it off. It was whack! I will also not be reading Fifity Shades, Eat Pray Love, nor Atlas Shrugged. Good list!

    1. Yay! :) There's a dvd?! The horror!

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  31. I don't even want to try Fallen!! I just...gah. I read Teardrop and it was a big NO for me. I won't be trying 50 Shades, like, EVER, either.
    Thanks for stopping by @ Paper Fury!


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