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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's theme is Books I Feel Differently About After Time Has Passed (less love, more love, indifference, etc.).  This week I'm narrowing it down books that I've read relatively recently that I now feel more or less indifferent about.  I initially gave each book a positive rating and/ or review, but now I can't quite exactly remember why I enjoyed them so much in the first place.  Maybe that's a sign that I should reread these books!

Schizo by Nic Sheff

The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler

The Lying Game by Sara Shepard

I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Clause by S.G. Browne

Rivers by Michael Farris Smith

The Shadows by Jacqueline West

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Franzen

Repossessed by A.M. Jenkins

So, what do you think of my list this week?  Have you read any of these books?  Do you think I should give these another shot?  What books do you feel differently about now?


  1. I still have fond memories of reading Foer's and Handler's books, the others not so much!
    Here is my TTT

    1. Maybe I just preferred A Series of Unfortunate Events....

      Thanks for sharing!

  2. The Darkest Part of The Forest you liked because it was awesome! Just kidding! I read that one recently too and it was my first Holly Black - I really liked how she wrote her characters and relationships especially between the brother and sister. I've not read the rest though am intrigued by a zombies eating Santa Claus book:).

    1. I loved Black's Curse Workers series, but although I gave The Darkest Part of the Forest a high rating it was kind of I said I probably just need to reread! :)

  3. I'm not familiar with many of these books. I did enjoy Daniel Handler's book though. Very unique!

  4. The Lying Game was a book I initially liked a lot... but I didn't like the way the story went in the end, so I think it put a little bit of a downer on all the books when I look back.

    1. I've tried the author's other books and I think I actually liked this one the most....

  5. Oh this makes me very curious to how you feel differently about these books now. :D I want to read Schizo!
    Here's my TTT!

    1. I really enjoyed these when I read them, but now thinking back on them I feel more or less indifferent to them like I can't quite remember why I loved them so much in the first place. I'm really sad to say that about The Darkest Part of the Forest because I love The Curse Workers, but that one was kind of forgettable.

  6. I definitely want to know your rationale for each one! One of the books you put up, The Uninvited, deserves to be on my list. I enjoyed reading it, but afterwards, thinking critically about it, I had a lot of problems. I didn't pick up the sequel. As for another book I'd put on my list, I think perhaps Transcendence by Shay Savage. When I first read it, I thought that the narration style was GENIUS. The narrator is a caveman and the voice just fit perfectly. It was very simple and stripped-down. I gave the book five stars. Then I read other contemporary books by the author, and she used the same voice. :( Now I think that Transcendence was a happy accident, narration-wise. I still love the book, though, so that's good.

    1. To keep it simple, for some reason or another I feel indifferent to them now like I just can't quite feel the spark that made give them such favorable ratings in the first ... for example, thinking back on The Uninvited it definitely had issues. I'd probably change my rating or review now.

  7. I did really enjoy The Darkest Part of the Forest and I liked the lying game show lol I like your take on the list, it's so true how sometimes you read something and LOVE it but some time later you don't remember why you LOVED it.

    1. Admittedly, I was kind of struggling with how to put this list together...but even going back to my reviews of these I still couldn't quite remember why exactly. :)

  8. I have a lot of books in my read pile like that - ones I remember really liking, but I can't remember exactly WHY I liked them so much. XD I've read The Uninvited and I think the premise is was really hooked me to begin with. I've been meaning to get to the sequel at some point (I have it on audio), but time has not been in my favor. Lol.

    Good list!


    1. The premise of The Uninvited got me, too, but thinking back maybe I liked that more. You'll have to let me know how the sequel is - I'm still on the fence about reading it.

  9. I wasn't really a big fan of Why We Broke Up. I know that A LOT of YA books are predictable, but this one was predictable, with a capital P!
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  10. I sort of enjoyed Why We Broke Up, but that was probably because it was a beach read. It does have a lot of clichés. Haven't read any of the others, but I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Claus has made me curious!

  11. I wasn't a big fan of the Uninvited, but I honestly can only vaguely recall what it was about. It's hard to figure out what you really think about a book when you can't rightly recall it.

  12. I don't think I've read any of these. But some of those covers are very interesting.

  13. Some great looking books. I think my mood and reading too much of one genre at a time seems to affect my enjoyment. What can I do about it though. I cannot seem to stop reading!!!
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  14. I've seen Darkest Part of the Forest around but have also read conflicting thoughts on author, Holly Black. Also wondered about Uninvited. Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland.

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog, too!

      I really liked her Curse Workers series. :)

  15. I've read Why We Broke Up and wasn't a huge fan, honestly.

  16. I like The Darkest Part of the Forest, but it wasn't the best book out there. I need to read The Lying Game and see what I think. I don't expect I'll like it though because I loved the show (now crying because it was cancelled way too soon) and I've heard the book is different. Great list!

    1. I've never seen the show but I may give it a shot. :)

  17. I haven't read any of these books (I feel so out of touch!) but seeing "I Saw Zombies Eating Santa Claus" made me chuckle.

    I do like the cover of "Why We Broke Up."

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT, Lauren!


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