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Top Ten Tuesday: Childhood Characters I'd Love To Revisit As An Adult

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week's theme is Childhood Characters I'd Love To Revisit As An Adult.  The characters I've listed below are some I'd like to revisit in 10 or 20 years to see what kind of adult they've become.  Here we go in alphabetical order by author:

Ramona Quimby from the Ramona Quimby series by Beverly Cleary - I would love to see Ramona as a high school student - her spunk, independence, and creativity would make her an exceptional YA heroine.

Artemis Fowl from the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer - I've only read the first four books in the series, but I would like to see our criminal mastermind as a twenty-something or thirty something.  I'm picturing a combination of Ben Whishaw, Colin Morgan, and Asa Butterfield.

Matilda Wormwood from Matilda by Roald Dahl - I'd like to see Matilda as a college student, perhaps something along the lines of Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl with a dash of fantasy.

Wiggins and the Baker Street Irregulars from Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle - How interesting would it be to see what these guys grow up to be?

Coraline from Coraline by Neil Gaiman - Maybe I just want a sequel...

Star Mackie from Hope is a Ferris Wheel by Robin Herrara - Again, I think I just want to touch base with Star about five or six years down the road.

Greg Heffley and Rowley Jefferson from The Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney - I'd like to see what kind of misadventures these two get up to in high school or college.

Scout and Jem Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee - Obviously, I'm not counting Go Set A Watchman.

Ella from Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine - I'd like to see the future of the kingdom after their happily ever after.

Mae Mobley from The Help by Kathryn Stockett - I want to see how Mae Mobley turned out as an adult, say in the present day.

So, what do you think of my list this week?  Do you want revisit any of these characters?  Who do you want to see again?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and I try to respond to all comments!


  1. Oh, that would be awesome to see Mae from The Help again.

    I've actually not read a lot of these. Although I do know who Wiggins is. :)

    1. Wouldn't it be? :)

      Yay Wiggins!

      Thanks for coming over, Ashley! :)

  2. This reminds me that I need to read the rest of the Artemis Fowl books! I've read the first four but got distracted by other things before i got to book 5!

    1. That's exactly the same with me - probably have to reread the first four books, though.

  3. Nice list! We both have Matilda this week. And I almost added Scout and Jem but didn't.

    My TTT

    1. Cool! I'd love to see what is going on with her! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow, you mentioned a lot that I hadn't thought of. Ramona and Mae Mobley were excellent choices! I loooved The Help so much. <333 You're right, though. Go Set a Watchman was a disappointment all around. Did you ever read it, or are you just avoiding it? I couldn't help my curiosity and I guess in it's own right, it was a decent book, but compared to TKAM and how I viewed the characters beforehand, GSAW was a blow to the gut. >.<


    1. I read it shortly after it was released - I couldn't stay away - what got to me the most is that it's billed as a sequel...and it was depressing to see some of my favorites like that.

  5. Replies
    1. Weeeellll, yes I would love to see more of course, but what I *really* want is a Marauders prequel! :)

  6. Matilda and Coraline were also on my list! And I hadn't thought about a bunch of the others you mentioned, but I agree they would be really cool. :D

    My TTT

    1. I want to see what Matilda would be capable of as a teen and adult! :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  7. I remember the Beverly Cleary books, don't remember if I read any though (I read anything I could find in grade school) and Diary of a Wimpy Kid would probably be a fun revisit too. :)

    1. That WA totally me, too!

      I want to know how Greg and Rowley's friendship would change over time. :)

  8. Scout! Why did I leave out Scout and Jem! That's a great pick. Coraline would be an interesting character to revisit as well. Great list!

    1. Thanks! I almost forgot about her until Go Set a Watchman came to mind. :)

  9. Seeing how Mae Mobley turned out would be so cool! I remember Ramona Quimby!! Those were my favorite books when I was little :) I'd love to see how she's matured! Great list, Lauren!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Thanks! Maybe some day someone will write them. :)

  10. yay! I chose Ramona as one of my picks too :) My TTT

  11. I've read all but the last two Artemis Fowl books but I agree it would be very cool to see him as an adult! I would definitely pick the series up again for that. And a revisit to Ella Enchanted sounds absolutely perfect! I remember staying up past my bed time reading that one under my covers and I fell in love with the story. I think I'd fall in love with a sequel just as fast.

  12. I haven't read any of these books, other than To Kill a Mockingbird, but I have seen the movie versions of some. (The Help, and Coraline). I do wonder how a sequel would come into play for Coraline, that could be interesting.

    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

  13. Love your list! I hadn't thought of Mae Mobley or Ella from Ella Enchanted--both from such lovely books! Also love that you included Artemis Fowl and Matilda--some of my favorites!

    My TTT:

  14. Thanks for commenting on my TTT! I can't believe I forgot Matilda! And I just re-read To Kill a Mockingbird so I agree with seeing all of them again as an adult for sure.

    1. I should really reread both some time soon! Thanks for commenting on mine, too! :)

  15. Great list!! I agree about Mae. I would love to see how she turned out.

    1. It would certainly be interesting to know! :)

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  16. These are great picks! I can't believe I forgot about Coraline on my own list!

  17. OMIGOSH, YES to the Diary of Wimpy Kid sequel! It would be hilarious to see those two as adults, especially if they were tie-wearing business men by day, but still hilarious in a grown-up kind of way. I think there should be re-imagining of childhood classic characters, which they do a lot in movies. Just like Batman gets re-imagined for a new generation, it would be awesome of other characters could be re-visited as adults! Great list!

    1. I like the sound of that very much! Thanks for visiting, Melissa!

  18. I love Greg from Diary of a Wimpy Kid and would LOVE to see what he's up to in HS or even after!! And Ramona too. I loved her and Beezus when I was growing up :)

  19. OMG, I never thought of Mae Mobley. Saw her on your list and just thought of how much I wold wish to catch up withe her. In my mind, I am already thinking of You is important. You is special... Scout and Jem are a great choice too. I haven't read Go Set a Watchman though, is it a sequel to TKAMB? Great post.

    1. About Mae Mobley, I had that exact same thing running through my head.

      Go Set A Watchman was kind of billed as a sequel, but actually it was an early draft of TKAMB - and it shows. So glad we have TKAMB!

  20. Matilda! That is such a fun one :) Maybe she is working as a librarian now? :) Thanks for the fun list!

  21. Gosh, what a lovely list! I read The Help for the first time this year and was also left very worried about Mae. I hope she remembered that she is good and kind.... I've also posted my Top Ten Tuesday for the first time this week, I obviously still have a lot to learn. Thanks for your lovely posts!

    1. I really hope so...Thanks for visiting and saying such kind things! :D Good luck!

  22. Oh, I included Sherlock and Watson on mine, but never gave a thought to Wiggins and the Irregulars! How very interesting. I love your thinking. Great list!

    1. Thanks! Honestly, I'd love to see more of Holmes and Watson, too! :)

  23. Awwww Ella Enchanted...I loved that book. Coraline was definitely a MUST for my list too.

  24. Aw, Ramona! I never read those books but really enjoyed Movie Ramona's character. Also, Mae was a cute little heroine in the film, and Ella Enchanted would be a fun character to catch up with. Great list, Lauren - and thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland. :)

    1. I've never seen the Ramona movie, but I should really watch it some time.

      Thanks for visiting my blog, too, Rissi. :)

  25. Great list! I'd love to see Matilda at college or as a teenager :)


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