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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel Caine

Welcome to The Friday 56, a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice.

These are the rules:
1. Grab a book, any book.
2. Turn to page 56, or 56% on your eReader.
3. Find any sentence (or a few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you.
4. Post it.
5. Add the URL to your post in the link on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post.

I'm also taking part in Book Beginnings, a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader.  The rules are pretty simple - you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires.  Don't forget to link up your post's url with Rose City Reader.

This week I'm spotlighting one of my current reads, Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel Caine.  I'm not very far into it yet, but I'm loving it so far!  As a librarian and bookworm, I simply can't resist the idea of the Great Library of Alexandria still being in existence!  



Six Years Ago

"Hold still and stop fighting me," his father said, and slapped him hard enough to leave a mark.  Jess went quiet.  He hadn't meant to fidget, but the pouch strapped to his bare chest felt hot and dangerous, like some animal that might turn on him and bite.


"On the highest possible level, the Library exists because each nation of the world benefits from it, and because the Library favors none, relies on none.  It took time to free ourselves from the politics, kings, and priests; it took time to assemble the wealth and the force to defend what we have.  But most of all, it took a miracle."


  1. I have this on to read and now I want to move it up the queue! I love books about libraries and enjoyed the excerpts. Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks! I hope you'll enjoy it when you get to it! :)

  2. The gif. Love it!
    and I can certainly see your attraction as librarian. Like me and bookstore stories ;)

    1. Anything with books and /or libraries gets me everytime!

      You can never go wrong with Giles!

  3. I haven't picked this one up yet, but I have read some of Rachel Caine's other books. I did enjoy them so this one seems like one I would really like.

    1. I'd like to try her others some day. Thanks for visiting!

  4. This is on my list for the summer. I've heard good things about it.

    My 56 from Sunborn Rising

    1. So have the! Happy reading and thanks for sharing!

  5. I love the 56, and adore Giles! Have a great weekend! I'd love for you and your readers to check out mine...

    1. Thanks! Have a great one and thanks for sharing! Giles is one of my all time favorite tv characters!

  6. I enjoyed this one and have the sequel coming up shortly on my review stack. I hope it is as good as the first. My 56 this week comes from The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman. Happy reading!

    1. I have an ARC of the sequel too and I am just excited to be diving in! Happy reading and thanks for sharing!

  7. I want to read this book. Hope you enjoy it! Happy Memorial Day long weekend to you!

  8. I have a book with that title soon to read...but it's not this one. Mine is a thriller from Lisa Unger.

    I like the sound of yours, though...enjoy! Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Ooh, I've seen that one going around! Happy reading and thanks for visiting mine as well!

  9. This sounds amazing! I'm not sure I can resist a book involving the Library of Alexandria. For some reason I don't think this book was on my TBR but it's definitely going on their now.

    1. I'm glad I piqued your interest! :) That is one of the best hooks!

  10. I have this one to read and I need to get on it! :) I love books about libraries. :)

    Friday Meme

  11. Sounds like an amazing book. Happy reading. Here's my Friday Book.

  12. Sounds like a cool book and series!

    Thanks for playing along on BBOF, even though I didn't have a Mr. Linky this week!

  13. This sounds interesting! Adding it to my library list!

    1. Cool! Hope you'll enjoy it!
      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  14. I haven't read this but this sounds great and I agree that it would be so cool to be able to visit the library at Alexandria - I've always wanted to know just how much knowledge was lost there. Thanks for visiting my Friday meme

  15. I must read this one! It's been on my TBR since its release, but I haven't gotten round to it. It's about the library of Alexandria, it's every bookworm's dream!

  16. I didn't know what this was about until this post! I think I'd like it -- I guess its hugely popular??

  17. Wow, fantastic snippet and wonderful cover art. Great post!

  18. How interesting this beginning is! Also I love the cover of the book. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

  19. How interesting this beginning is! Also I love the cover of the book. :)
    @dino0726 from 
    FictionZeal - Impartial, Straightforward Fiction Book Reviews

    1. I even love looking at the spine when the dust jacket is on. Very cool design.

  20. Ooooooh this looks like a great read!! Great post :)

  21. Omigosh. This is SO going on my "must read soon" list .... which, realistically, means at some point in the next decade.


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