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Comment Challenge June Sign-Up Post

This June (and perhaps July and August, as well) I will be participating in the Comment Challenge, hosted by Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense and Lonna @ FLYLÄ“F.  This sounds like the perfect challenge to sign up for if you love comments and making new blogging and social media buddies.  For each month that you sign up for this Summer 2016 challenge, you will be paired up with a blogger (a different one for each month - if you sign up for more than one) and you will engage with them by commenting on either 5-10 or 11-20 of their posts for the month.  What a brilliant way to reach out to new blogs make make connections (and get your comment activity up at the same time)!  I plan on being ambitious for the month of June and comment 11-20 times with my partner - I can't wait to "meet" you!  Like I mentioned above, there is also a social media option to further connect with your partner which I plan on taking advantage of on Twitter with the hashtag #commentchallenge2016.  By the way, there's also an end of the Summer giveaway for challenge!


  1. So happy to have you join us, Lauren! I hope you have a wonderful time commenting. Good luck with the giveaway!

    1. Thanks! It sounds like it will be a great experience! My fingers are crossed! :)

  2. I am really looking forward to this!

  3. Hi Lauren! Thank you so much for joining the 2016 Comment Challenge host by me and Alicia. It would seem I also have you to thank for spreading to word to Brittany, who saw your post and joined. So, much love and thanks for that, too.

    I look forward to reading your content.

    ~Lonna @ FLYLēF

    1. Thanks for hosting! :) I'm more than happy to I could - and inspired another.

  4. I just signed up yesterday! I found this at the very last minute lol.. I have decided to do all 3 months with the 11-20 comments :) Good luck!


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