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Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions for 2015

I know I'm getting to this a little late (I've just been so busy lately), but yesterday's Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, was Resolutions for 2015.  Since today is New Year's Eve, I figured today is just as good of a day for me to post it.  I usually don't make formal resolutions, but here are some of my goals for reading, blogging, and life in general.

Catch up on my series reads - I've started so many that I need to finish or catch up on this coming year.

Don't buy as many books when I already own so many that I haven't read yet.

Reorganize my personal book collection.

Read broadly and from outside of my comfort zone.

Donate more books to my local library.

Write more - aside from social media and reviews, I mean.

Become more unique with my blog content - host another giveaway, event, or interview of some sort.

Come up with a new feature for my blog - still trying to come up with ideas for this one.

Complete my Goodreads group challenges.

Live a healthier life - this is usually always a given from year to year.

On that note, I'm wishing everyone a happy new year!


  1. Happy New Year Lauren and I wish you the best for your goals this year! A good mix of personal and blogging, reading goals this year.

    1. Thanks very much. I hope you had a happy new year and I wish the best for your goals too. :)

  2. I'm with you on catching up with series! I didn't add that to my list, but it is a huge problem that I have! I probably have over 100 series that I've started but didn't continue :(
    I hope you have a happy new year!


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