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The Bookish Identity Tag

I've tagged myself to complete the Bookish Identity Tag from The Reading Izzy.  It sounds like a fun tag, so here we go!  I'm not going to officially tag anyone, but if it looks like fun to you, too, feel free to participate.  Just don't forget to link your post back to me.

Which dystopian/fantastical world would you live in?

The Wizarding World or Middle-Earth, I can't decide!

Who would your partner be?

In crime or otherwise?  In crime I would say Hermione Granger, otherwise, though, I'll be consistent and say Atticus O'Sullivan from The Iron Druid Chronicless by Kevin Hearne.

Who would your Godly mother/father be (from Percy Jackson)?

In quizzes, I get either Athena or Artemis.

Would you be a Downworlder or Nephilim (from The Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices)?

Nephilim, definitely.  However, if I were a Downworlder I would opt for warlock (of the half-Eidolon, half-Shadowhunter variety).

Which House would you be in (from Harry Potter)?

On Pottermore, I'm in Gryffindor.  According to various quizzes, I could also be in Ravenclaw.

Which Faction would you be in (from Divergent)?

The official aptitude test says I've scored highest in Erudite and Dauntless.

What would your daemon be (from The Northern Lights/ Golden Compass)?

I've not read this series yet, but according to the internet quiz I just took mine would be a cat.  That means:
"Although you appreciate the company of a good friend, you do not mind being alone. You are often very opinionated. You would rather lead than follow, and are extremely independent. You know exactly what you want and how to get it."


  1. Nice tag! I think I'll do this too, it looks fun :) I should take some of these quizzes


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