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Comment Challenge August Sign-Up Post

This July I will again be participating in the Comment Challenge, hosted by Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense and Lonna @ FLYLēF.  I really enjoyed being paired up with Ellen and Sierra @ Quest Reviews in June - and keeping in contact with them this month!  I've also been enjoying getting to know Mari @ Story and Somnomancy so far this July!  I plan on being just as ambitious for the month of August and comment 11-20 times with my new assigned partner - I can't wait to "meet" you!  There is also a social media option to further connect with your partner which I plan on taking advantage of on Twitter with the hashtag #commentchallenge2016.  By the way, there's also an end of the summer giveaway for the challenge!


  1. This challenge has been such a wonderful way for us to connect! Can't wait for our new August partners :)

    1. It really has! Hope you guys get a good match up for August!

  2. The challenge has certainly been a fun way to meet new people. Here's to another good month coming up :)

    1. Yes, this has been one of my favorite challenges that I have taken part in. :)

  3. I hadn't heard about this challenge. It's pretty cool! I signed up :D

    Esther @Chapter Adventures

  4. I'm so glad that you've enjoyed commenting with Ellen and Sierra @ Quest Reviews, and Mari @ Story and Somnomancy! I can't believe that the 2016 Summer Comment Challenge is coming to an end! It's been such a pleasure having you, Lauren. Thank you! ~Lonna @ FLYLēF

  5. Thank you for joining us all summer long, Lauren! I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far and hope you enjoy your August partner as well. Happy birthday, once again!


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