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Mid-Year Book Freak Out 2016

I saw this on The Scribbling Sprite and thought I would take part again this year - I really enjoyed taking part in 2014 and 2015.

Best Book You've Read So Far In 2016

The Lies of Locke Lamora  (Gentleman Bastars #1) by Scott Lynch, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke, Vicious (Vicious #1) by V.E. Schwab, and Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel Caine

Best Sequel You've Read So Far In 2016

Tricked (The Iron Druid Chronicles #4) by Kevin Hearne

New Release You Haven't Read Yet But Want To

The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater - I know, I know.  I own my copy, but I'm so nervous!

Most Anticipated Release(s) For The Second Half Of 2016

A Torch Against the Night (An Ember in the Ashes #2) by Sabaa Tahir - To be released August 30, 2016

Biggest Disappointment

Thief of Lies (Library Jumpers #1) by Brenda Drake

Biggest Surprise

Redemption by Elora Mitchell - I was lucky to have won this ebook!

New Favorite Author

Rachel Caine, author of The Great Library series

Newest Fictional Crush

Umm, I can't think of any new ones since last year...

New Favorite Character

Locke Lamora - Easily one of my favorite pieces of fan art for the character by KejaBlank.

Book That Made You Cry

None, not even Me Before You by Jojo Moyes.

Book That Made You Happy

Winter by Marissa Meyer - What an excellent series finale!

Most Beautiful Book That You Bought So Far This Year

A Gathering of Magic (Shades of Magic #2) by V.E. Schwab - For some reason, I've put this one off too...

What Books Do You "Need" To Read By The End Of This Year

All of them, but The Raven King and A Gathering of Magic are high on my list!


  1. I can't believe we're already closer to 2017, than we are 2015 *whimpers* HOW IS THIS YEAR MOVING SO FAST?

    I love the extensiveness of these categories, and it seems like you've had a pretty fab 2016 (so far!) book-wise. I really don't know whether or not to start The Lunar Chronicles: they are EVERYWHERE you turn, and have such good write-ups, but it seems like a very big commitment of time, and I can't work out if they're my cup of tea!

    1. It's hard to believe the time has gone so quickly...

      You need to at least give the Lunar Chronicles a shot - so much to love about them!

  2. I really need to continue the Iron Druid books, I loved the first one! And omg Vicious was SO GOOD. And so was Winter. And AGoS. And...yeah, from your books so far, you've been having a great year!

    1. I would definitely recommend the audiobooks for The Iron Druid Chronicles - the narrator Luke Daniels is one of my favoriest.

  3. I NEEEEEEED to read Lies of Locke Lamora. I NEEED to so why do I keep putting it off? LOL great post!

  4. Replies
    1. I'm so excited to pick it up - if not a nervous wreck at the same time. :)

  5. This is a wonderful book list! Good luck getting to The Raven King and A Gathering of Shadows! I still need to read both series *hides head in shame*

  6. Whaaaat you've still not read TRK! You're mad! Do it! Can't wait to read the Lunar Chronicles. Soon, soon ...


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