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Top Ten Tuesday: New Television Shows I'm Looking Forward To This Season

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week the topic is Facts About Me, but I've decided to do something different this week.  Basically, I've done enough blogger awards that it's difficult to think up new facts about myself...without repeating myself unnecessarily.  So, this week my topic is New Television Shows I'm Looking Forward To This Season.  Some of the ones that made my list begin this fall, whereas some start midseason.  He we go, in order of title:

Conviction (ABC) - Since Agent Carter has unfortunately been cancelled, I'm going to give Hayley Atwell's new series a try even though it's not my usual genre.  I'm not entirely sold on the trailer, though.

The Exorcist (FOX) - Of course, I'll have to give this a try!

Frequency (CW) - This sci-fi police procedural looks like it could be really cool - just watch the trailer!  I'm not sure if I should be calling it time travel, but it deals with similar consequences.

Making History (FOX) - It's a quirky time travel comedy and it looks like the leads could be very good together!

Midnight, Texas (NBC) - This is based on Charlaine Harris's new series, which I haven't had the chance to read yet, but the trailer for the show looks like it could be a pretty decent urban fantasy mystery series.

Prison Break (FOX) -This used to be one of my favorite shows - for the first couple of seasons, that is. I'm definitely interested in seeing where this goes, especially since it looks like they brought back some old favorites.  And, is it just me or have they hardly aged?

Still Star-Crossed (ABC) - This period piece looks like it has potential.  It follows the Montagues and the Capulets after Romeo and Juliet have died.  It's also based on a book of the same name by Melinda Taub that was released in 2013.  I haven't read it yet, but I'm definitely interested now.

Time After Time (ABC) - Time travel featuring H.G. Wells and Jack the Ripper - it sounds like it will be right up my alley!  It's also based on a book, which was adapted for the big screen in 1979 - but I haven't read it or watched the original movie yet.

Timeless (NBC) - Another time travel show!  It looks like a group of people will be going through time to stop a criminal from destroying the country - first stop, the crash of the Hindenburg.  Oh, the humanity!

Victoria (PBS) - I'm very excited that this will be coming to Masterpiece!

So, what do you think of my list this week?  Are you interested in trying any of these new shows?  And, are you as excited as me that there are so many about time travel?


  1. I'm going to give Conviction a try as well, also because it's Hayley Atwell haha - I'm really going to miss Agent Carter. Victoria, Timeless, Time After Time, Still-Starcrossed, and Frequency are also on my to-be-watched list! I haven't heard of the others but they sure do sound interesting. Great picks!

    1. I was gutted when I found out Agent Carter wasn't coming will be missed.


  2. I have so many TV series to finish watching but so many of these look amazing. I'd only actually heard of Victoria and Prison Break but I will definitely have to check most of these out.

    :) Great list
    Rachel @ Paein-and-Ms4Tune

    1. I know - so do I! But I want to watch at least the first episode of these just to give them a shot!

  3. Most of those look really good, but it seems they can't make anything original as those are almost all based on books or Oh well, still look good. :)

  4. Oo The Exorcist! I'll have to look out for that one.

    1. I'm hoping it turns out half way decent - and I'll probably do a rewatch of the movie, too!

  5. Ohh Hayley Atwell <3 I will watch the first episode just for her and hopefully it'll be good enough to keep on watching. Her character looks really interesting! And Jenna Coleman as Queen Victoria!! I didn't know about that, so cool.

    1. I'll admit it, if Hayley Atwell wasn't in Conviction, I doubt I would try it. Really looking forward to seeing what Jenna does in the role! :)

  6. I love what you did with this week's theme! Especially because I ADORE TV, haha. You have some real cool shows on your list! I will have to check them out for myself :).

  7. YES YES YES to Still Star-crossed and Conviction! I wasn't able to really stay up to date on any shows during the latter half of the school year so even though I'm excited for pretty much everything on this list I'm forcing myself to hold back.

    1. I'm usually unable to as well, but I can sure try! :D

  8. AAAAH Great!!!! New stock! I don't watch a lot of tv, mainly because I never know what to watch. But you've listed a few that I would love to watch. Thanks!! Here's my TTT!

    1. This time of year I don't watch much in the way of new tv, but come fall I try to keep up with at least a couple of new shows.

      Thanks for sharing!

  9. I'm so stoked for Still Star-Crossed! And I didn't kniw the Exorcist is going to be a television show, that should be interesting.

    1. It'll definitely be interesting. I hadn't even heard of Still Star-Crossed until I stumbled upon this trailer! :)

  10. Prison break is a series I really want to watch at some point

  11. Oooh I love this! I had NO idea they were making a show out of another Charlaine series! I might have to check that out. And Timeless and Time After Time are two that I definitely need to watch- thanks for putting them on my radar!

  12. I don't really watch a lot of TV, but I've heard of so many of these shows. I hope you love them!

  13. So many new shows! I didn't know that they were bringing back Prison Break. Awesome. Great list, Lauren and thank you for stopping by. :)

  14. I'm still bummed about Agent Carter being cancelled (and hope it continues its run on Netflix!), but yeah, I'm totally going to give Atwell's new series a shot.

    Time After Time sounds really awesome! I might have to try that, too.

  15. Still Star-Crossed sounds soooo good! That trailer captivated me! The position she is put in, to leave the man she loves....ahhh it has so much potential. Now I have something new to watch while I'm on my elliptical, thank you!

  16. These look fun! I dont have cable so it is hard for me to watch TV real time, but I am always on the lookout for new suggestions! :) Thanks!

  17. YES! I cannot wait to see some of these. Primarily Conviction, Timeless, Time After Time, Frequency and Victoria. Over half of the new shows are (sadly) already predisposed to fail, but I like thinking they'll be some good ones that will have staying power. :)

  18. Ohh, some of these look amazing. I love the sound of Conviction, and honestly the trailer has just convinced me even more as well! I have Still Starcrossed on my to-watch list when it's released, and I am so excited for Time After Time and Timeless, I have a weakness for anything time travel related :)
    Great picks for this week! :D

  19. Really looking forward to seeing Jenna Coleman in Victoria.


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