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My 3rd Blogoversary - Giveaway (US Only)

Woot!  I started blogging three years ago!  How time flies when you're having fun!  It's been a wonderful three years and I hope this upcoming year is going to be just as successful as the last.  I've loved getting to know members of the book blogging community - we're a great bunch of people, if I do say so myself.  I can't wait to see what this third year of blogging brings!  Let's all celebrate with virtual cake, virtual hugs, and, what you're all here for, a giveaway!

But first, let's look back at some of my favorite posts from this past year:

Reviews - 

A Conjuring of Light by V.E. Schwab - Review + Dream Cast

A Criminal Magic by Lee Kelly - Review

The Fade Out by Ed Brubaker & Sean Phillips - Review

The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig - Review

The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp - Review

Only the Dead Know Burbank by Bradford Tatum - Review

Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw (ARC) - Review

The Trial by R.A. Crawford - Review

Victoria Woodhull in Fiction and Nonfiction - Mini Reviews

You by Caroline Kepnes - Review

Weekly Memes, Tags, Etc. - 

Sunday Funday: Summer Vacation, Book Haul, and Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Sunday Funday: Weekend Update, Disney's Moana, and Meeting Mindy McGinnis

Music Monday: Sci-Fi TV Themes

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Debut Books Of 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Alfred Hitchcock Movies

Top Ten Tuesday: Things On My Reading Wishlist

Top Ten Tuesday: Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want To Read A Book

Book Riot's 2017 Read Harder Challenge - Announcement and TBR

Chicken Challenge - Horror Book-to-Movie Adaptation Recommendations

Captain America Book Tag

Playlist Book Tag

Starting Sparks: November Edition

And now for the main event: as a thank you to my followers, I'm hosting a giveaway (US Only, sorry)!  One lucky winner will get to choose one of my favorite 2017 releases!  You can choose from the books listed below (the cover is linked to my thoughts on each):

This giveaway will last until Midnight (ET) on Monday, August 28th, 2017.  I will alert the winner via email and they will have 48 hours to respond or I will have to select another winner.  Good luck!

As always, thank you for visiting my blog and perhaps commenting down below.  Here's to the coming year (and hopefully many more)!


  1. Cheers to three years! Congratulations!

  2. Happy Blogoversary. I don't know which I would choose. Am thinking...
    sherry @ fundinmental

  3. Happy blogoversary!! This is so exciting!!

    If I were to win your giveaway, I would love A Conjuring of Light, I love V.E. Schwab so much!

    Thanks for hosting a giveaway!

  4. Happy 3rd Blogoversary! I would love Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology. Thank you

  5. Happy blog anniversary, Lauren! I really enjoy your blog, and you have great taste in books. :-)

  6. Congratulations! Happy Blog Anniversary, Lauren! Throws confetti and sets off the fireworks :)

    May you have many happy more years of blogging!

  7. Oh my god happy blogaversary!!!! (Sending you digital cake and balloons because you deserve them)!! Hopefully every year gets better and better:)

    Also, thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway.

  8. If I won I would probably want The Hate U Give. It was one of my favorite reads of this year, but I borrowed it from the library! I would love to own it so I can re-read it over and over again.

    Awesome giveaway! And happy Blogaversary! That is so awesome that you've been doing it for so long. <3

    1. I don't blame you there! :)

      Thanks - It still doesn't seem like it's been so long. :)

  9. Hmm, I think I'd choose The Gauntlet if I won. I really need to pick up some more MG reads this year and have heard nothing but amazing things about this one. Thank you so much for the giveaway, Lauren. You know you're one of my favorite bloggers and I'm so glad you're a part of this community. Happy blogiversary!

    1. No problem, Alicia! :)

      Aww, thanks so much! You're one of my favorites too!

  10. Awesome! Happy blogoversary! That's super exciting that you've been blogging for three years. :) And thank you for the giveaway!

    1. No problem and thanks, Ashley! I can't believe I've been at this for as long as I have! :)

  11. Happy blogoversary, Lauren! I don't think I ever realized it but we started blogging around the same time (I just passed my third blogoversary as well). In any case, I hope you have a wonderful 4th year of blogging and thanks for the giveaway!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. Thanks, Laura! :)

      I didn't realize that either, so happy blogoversary to you too!

  12. Happy Blogoversary Lauren! <3 Congrats :)

  13. CONGRATS on 3 years, Lauren. That's awesome. Wishing you an amazing start to this next year, and many happy years in this blogging community. *Confetti Toss* :)

  14. Happy blogiversary and thanks for your generous gift. I would go for Norse Mythology

  15. Congrats on your blogoversary! Maybe Royal Bastards? Thanks!
    Ann S


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