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Sci-Fi Month 2017 - Wrap Up, Mini Reviews, & Giveaway (US Only)

And that's a wrap for Sci-Fi Month 2017, a month long celebration of all things sci-fi hosted by Lisa @ Over the Effing Rainbow and Imyril @ One More (originally created by Rinn @ Rinn Reads who has stepped down from hosting duties this year).  I've had a great time participating this year and last - I hope I'll be able to be back next time because this is such a wonderful event.  Anyway, I was very ambitious when I made my tbr of ten books that I've been meaning to tackle - I only managed to make it through four of them, but I think I still got in some fantastic reading!  Read on to see my thoughts on the books I've knocked off my tbr, a listing of the Sci-Fi Month posts I've published this time around, and a giveaway (US Only):

Mini Reviews:

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I've actually already shared by full review of the ARC of Andy Weir's Artemis - you can read it here.  Spoiler alert: It's awesome!

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To say that my expectations for Armada by Ernest Cline were high is quite the understatement. While Cline's second novel is still good, it isn't nearly as awesome as Ready Player One. Honestly, I would have been stunned if this story could have surpassed (or have equaled) it in awesomeness, but still I had hopes. Either way, there's still quite a bit to like about the story. I particularly liked that conspiracy theories and pop culture (movies, tv, and video games) get worked together and that we get to see Zack's relationship with his mother (who is described as an Ellen Ripley type). The novel also moves along at a good pace and the action scenes are pretty epic. Plus, those pop culture references are fun to spot. At the same time, I'm not much of a gamer - or at least not the kind of shooter games featured here - and some of the exposition really bogged down for me at times. Overall, think Ender's Game as told by Ernest Cline and you'll have a good idea of how this works out.

I read this novel from November 2 - 17, 2017 and my review is also on Goodreads.

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This is a quick, but fun little Doctor Who story set in series six. I definitely preferred the second half of it, compared to the beginning. I also think that it could have made a cool tv episode. Mann does a good job of making Amy, Rory, and The Doctor come alive in the story and I enjoyed how the story is put together, even though sometimes things got a bit obvious. My main issue with this particular story is that the pace is all over the place. Either way, if you're a fan of the television series, you may definitely want to try this story set during the sixth series of New Who.

I read this novel from November 16 - 19, 2017 and my review is also on Goodreads.

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Wow! I can't believe it took me so long to finally pick up Red Rising by Pierce Brown, but I'm glad I finally took a chance on this YA sci-fi dystopian novel. In my opinion, it was nearly perfect - amazing to think that this is Pierce Brown's debut novel! I admit that I had a bit of trouble connecting to Darrow, our main character, at first, and that I think I preferred the first half of the story a little more. Overall, though, this book is totally worth it's almost 400 pages - it keeps you right on the edge of your seat and keeps you wondering where it's going to go next. Although I've read a ton of dystopian, the world-building, the core cast of characters, the Mars setting, and it's uniqueness (even that slang) make it stand out in the best of ways. Like The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir, Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, and The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell, then you absolutely need to try this fantastic award winner. Bloodydamn - I need to get my hands on a copy of Golden Son, stat!

I read this novel from November 23 - 30, 2017 and my review is also on Goodreads.

My Sci-Fi Month 2017 Posts:

Announcement & TBR

Music Monday - Jurassic Park, The Incredibles, Panic in the Year Zero!, Captain America & Agent Carter

Top Ten Tuesday - Sci-Fi Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders, Sci-Fi Books I Want My Future Descendants To Read, Sci-Fi Books On My TBR

The Friday 56 (Book Beginnings) - Armada by Ernest Cline, Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Sunday Funday - Thor: Ragnarok (2017) - Review

And now for the main event: A GIVEAWAY (US Only - Sorry)!

One lucky winner will win a paperback copy of both Red Rising by Pierce Brown & Armada by Ernest Cline!  This giveaway will last until Midnight (ET) on Friday, December 8th, 2017.  I will alert the winner via email and they will have 48 hours to respond or I will have to select another winner.  Good luck!

As always, thank you for visiting my blog and perhaps commenting down below!


  1. It sounds like you had a successful sci-fi month! People have been telling me for years to read Red Rising, but I haven’t done it yet. I swear I’ll get to it someday.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. You did better than I did with your reading😀 I agree, it's hard to top Ready Player One, and although I did enjoy Armada, it just wasn't as amazing.

  3. I have seen Red Rising around for a long time and I have not read it. Thanks for the great giveaway.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. Happy to see the new books by Andy Weir and Ernest Cline - CAN THEY MAKE LIGHTNING STRIKE TWICE?

  5. "Comment on this post or one of my linked Sci-Fi Month posts - tell me which one in the comments." I am commenting on this one! And the books sound really good--Armada sounds quite amusing!

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