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Top Ten Tuesday: Sci-Fi Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders

Happy Tuesday and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!  This week's topic is Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders - since it's Sci-Fi Month, hosted by Imyril @ x + 1   & Over the Effing Rainbow and created by Rinn Reads, I'm giving my list a sci-fi spin.  It took me quite a while to narrow this list down to just ten characters because I originally I started off with multiple characters from each book on my list - so many fantastic characters!  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title.

Santi from Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine - Santi (and Wolfe) totally steal the show!

Todd from The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness - Have you seen this first look photo from Patrick Ness featuring Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley?  I'm excited to see how this adaptation will turn out!

Kai from The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer - Aside from Thorne, Kai is easily one of my favorite characters from this series.

Kamala Khan from Ms. Marvel by G. Willow Wilson - Kamala is hands down one of my favorite superheroes.  If you haven't read her story, what are you waiting for?

Wade Watts from Ready Player One by Ernest Cline - I loved this novel and I am so excited to see the movie adaptation!

Alana from Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples - This is one of my all time favorite series too and I'm dying for the next volume!

Hiro from Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson - Hiro (and Y.T.) are just plain awesome!  The piece of fan art above is one of my favorites!

The Doctor from The Tenth Doctor Doctor Adventures: 10th Doctor Audio Originals David Tennant's Tenth Doctor is my personal favorite.

Tarver from These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner - So many great characters from this series to choose from, but Tarver is my favorite from the first installment.

Peter Caswell from Zero World by Jason M. Hough - This technologically enhanced superspy definitely earns his spot this week.

What characters made your list this week?  Are you taking part in Sci-Fi Month?  As always thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Kai and Thorne sound like amazing characters as do all of the characters of the Lunar books. I've a feeling, once I finally read them, I'll have a bunch of new ships/characters to feature on lists and favorite book couple posts. :)

  2. Tarver is a great choice, because military heroes tend to be great leaders, and I loved him. =)

  3. I've only read the lunar chronicles, but I have many of these on my TBR list!

    Ashley @ Caught Reading Redheaded

    1. You've got some great reading ahead of you then! :)

      Thanks for sharing.

  4. Don't think I have read any of these...yet.
    sherry @ fundinmental My TT sherry @ fundinmental My TT

  5. Such a fun topic. I like Wade Watts (great pick) and I've hardly seen anything from that movie yet. It should be epic.

  6. I'm disappointed in myself for not having read Saga and Ms Marvel!

  7. I’m also excited for the Ready Player One movie. It has the potential to be so good!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  8. I love that you mentioned Zero World! One of my favorite books, and I'm dying for a sequel 😁

  9. Oh, Todd. Yes, Todd would be a great leader. I'm really nervous about the adaptation. The Chaos Walking Trilogy is one of those series that I would prefer to be left on the page.

    1. I feel you there - but I'd still love to see what they make of it. :)


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