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Top Ten Tuesday: Book I Can't Believe I Read

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish, which is now being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  The rules are exactly the same as they were before - this week's topic is Book I Can't Believe I Read.  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

American Agent by Melvin Purvis - I'd had my eye on this for ages, but it was actually difficult to come across a copy that I didn't have to pay an absurd amount for (yay for libraries)!

Dairy Queen by Catherine Gilbert Murdock - 1) it's about football, and 2) look at that cover.  Really, though, it was a pretty fantastic YA contemporary.

Fallen Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes - I still didn't like it the second time around, no matter how much I wanted to.

Finding Fire by Mallory Crowe Just going with the cover I wouldn't have expected it to be my sort of read, but a friend convinced me to try it, and it turned out to be much better than I was expecting.

The Hope We Seek by Rich Shapero - Especially after hearing my coworkers thoughts on it beforehand...

King's Cage by Victoria Aveyard - I'm honestly surprised I didn't DNF it - book one was a fun, but not so much for the later installments.

November 9 by Colleen Hoover - Not my type really...

The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver - It's an Oprah Book Club Book (not my go to, by the way) that got selected for a book club I used to be in, but it was a brilliant read.

There's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins - I had my doubts, but I still tried it.  Unfortunately, it wasn't for me.

Wisconsin Vamp by Scott Burtness - Just such a different and unlikely take on the vampire, but not in a bad way.

What books are you surprised that you read?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps commenting down below!


  1. Dairy Queen is one I've seen here and there (and it does look kinda' cute); despite the hype for Colleen Hover, I've never read one of her books; though I adore 'Anna,' I suspect Perkins' newest book will fall into a list like this for me too. I'm really not a horror story fan. Mysteries, yes. Horror/slasher works of fiction? Nope. :D

    1. I'm not much for slasher stuff either if I'm being honest.

  2. I'm reading Stephanie Perkin's newest book soon and I also have my doubts...Great list!

  3. There's Someone Inside Your House *nods* the longer time goes on since reading it, the less favorably I remember it. :(

    That cover of Dairy Queen is kind of interesting!

  4. Dairy Queen has the most unfortunate of covers. I love the whole series, though. My TTT

  5. I've seen quite a few people saying that they can't believe they read There's Someone Inside Your House - it's making me reconsider reading it, because I'd been quite excited about it!

    I have yet to read any of the books on your list, because I've been putting off reading the Red Queen series and the Falling Kingdoms series because I can't commit that much time to a new series. You've made me feel as though I made the right decision, so thank you!

    Here's my TTT!

    1. I'd definitely like to know what you think of There's Someone Inside Your House.

  6. I've given up on the Red Queen series, I read Glass Sword and struggled so much that I'm not even going to consider King's Cage.
    My TTT:

  7. After following your reviews and blog for a while, I am surprised you read a CoHo book too. =)
    I would have never found Dairy Queen on my own, but it kept popping up on TTT list, and it is such a charming and sweet family story. I love the series. I abandoned the Red Queen series. Glass Sword was such a chore for me to read. I just couldn't bring myself to read King's Cage.

    1. I don't know what I was thinking! XD

      My library has Dairy Queen and I ended up reading for last year's Book Riot Read Harder Challenge.

  8. Great list! I need to give The Poisonwood Bible a try at some point.

  9. I can't look away from that Wisconsin Vampire cover!

  10. The cover to Wisconsin Vamp is cracking me up! I love that you actually ended up enjoying a lot of the books on this list. I still can't believe I've never read The Poisonwood Bible.

    1. I couldn't believe I read it - and how much I enjoyed it... that was totally unexpected.

  11. Oooh I've been dying to read Dairy Queen! The cover just makes me go !?!??! but I've heard the best things!! <3

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. Definitely disregard that cover... hope you like it, Aimee!

  12. I'm still a little bummed you didn't like Falling Kingdoms, because I really like the series, but I get it. I really enjoyed Red Queen, at least more than the majority of reviews I read/heard. But I have no motivation or desire to continue the series.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I am too - it seemed exactly like something I'd love...

  13. I did like There's Someone Inside Your House, but I'm old and grew up on YA Thrillers (Pike and Stine), so I love seeing YA horror now. And I've had Falling Kingdoms on my TBR forever because Rhodes was at a YA book signing I went to (along with a few other YA authors) and I really liked her... but who knows if I'll ever get to it? It's been YEARS. ;)

  14. I haven't read any of these. The cover for Dairy Queen sure is interesting! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  15. Interesting list. The Poisonwood Bible sounds great. The cover on The Hope We Seek is really creepy.

    1. That cover reminds me of that silent movie, Metropolis for some reason...

  16. I read the first in the red queen series and it was just kinda blah for me so I didn’t bother continuing. 😬

  17. I loved reading The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver. It's one of my favorite novels ever written!

  18. The cover of Finding Fire.....see I am really getting into romance books and I know that books with the generic male abs on the cover sorta signal my type of book but honestly I am getting sick of the abs! But that book does look interesting.

    I personally do want to read There's Someone Inside Your House, but reading your review I can understand why you didn't like it!

    As for what books I'm surprised I read....thats kind of a tough question for me since I'm into so many different kinds of books, or at least I'm open to many genres. I guess I'm surprised I read Dracula in 6th grade!

  19. I haven't read any of these but for most of them... I am ashamed to say that they all are types I wouldn't normally pick up because of the cover. For books I can't believe I read, it'd be books by Rhonda Tibbs. The synopsis and covers were meh to me but my best friend swore by them, so I picked them up and ended up loving every one that I read. It's terrible judging books by their cover but it's hard not to sometimes when there are so many books out there.

    1. So much to sort through...

      Thanks for coming over, Jamie.


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