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Turtles All The Way Down by John Green - Review

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Aza never expected to find herself looking into the mystery surrounding billionaire Russell Pickett, but with a $100,000 reward on the line she and Daisy, her best friend are more than willing to begin the search. Pickett's son, Davis, has always been on their radar, but practically speaking he lives on another world from Aza and Daisy. Aza is trying her hardest to be her best self, but that isn't always easy while dealing with the tightening spiral of her thoughts.

I forgot how much I missed John Green. I wouldn't say Turtles All The Way Down is my favorite of his, but it's certainly classic Green in style. Although his teen characters don't sound like any real teens I've ever met, you have to agree that he's a fantastic storyteller. As usual, the metaphor game is exceptionally strong here. I could also appreciate that Aza's mental health issues aren't sugar coated - we have the opportunity to see the world as she does as she lives her life and deals with her anxiety and OCD. We see how difficult it is for her to work through these spirals, and we also see that she's never truly alone with her family and friends at her her side. Honestly, though, her friends leave a little something to be desired. At points other characters can seem stretched a little too thin for them to make much of an impression, beyond Davis and Daisy that is. I don't know if it was just me, but I kept forgetting Aza's a girl. Maybe it's because Daisy mostly refers to her as Holmesy, but whatever the case I had to consistently remind myself of that fact throughout the entire story.

Overall, Turtles All The Way Down by John Green is an absolute must read for fans of his previous works. Interested in great representation regarding mental health issues? Then, this novel is also a must read. If you also enjoy the styles of David Levithan, Matthew Quick, Ned Vizzini, and Rainbow Rowell, I also highly recommend picking up this novel as well. I can't wait to see what John Green will do next.

I read this novel from January 4 - 5, 2018 and my review is also on Goodreads.


  1. Yey! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I have a love/hate relationship with John Green, but I'd love to give this one a try.

    1. If you try it, I'd love to know what you think of it! :)

  2. I picked this book up because I got quite the deal on it but I haven't started it yet. So far I've only read two John Green novels and while I enjoyed Looking for Alaska I thought Fault in Our Stars left something to be desired. I'm glad to see you gave this a good review, though, because it does make me more eager for it!

  3. I am there with you. I had been way too long since we had a new John Green book, and I was happy just to be reading his words. I did really enjoy this book. I loved Aza, the romance was very sweet, and I feel like I understand a lot more about someone with OCD. It was that ending though, that makes my eyes wet. It was fantastic.

  4. This one seems to either be loved or not so loved by thise who are fans of John Green cause I have seen some rants lol. Glad you liked it. Its not the type of book I would read.

    1. I've noticed that myself!

      Thanks for commenting anyways! :)

  5. I was just scrolling through your blog and seeing the title of this post knew I haaaad to comment! I've never actively searched for a review of this book, but I've always been interested in it since I've read the rest of John Green's novels and adored them. You've definitely sold me, I have to give this one a go. Glad you enjoyed :)

    Little Moon Elephant

  6. I'm so glad to hear you liked this! I've heard some mixed things and I didn't want to risk tainting my current opinion towards John Green's writing but I think I'll give this a shot this year. I'm all for the metaphorical writing style :) Lovely review, Lauren!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  7. I have an autographed copy of this novel, but have yet to read it!! I plan to read Turtles All The Way Down sometime this year. Nice review. :-)

  8. Hi Lauren!

    I have shamefully not read his yet, but one is on my bookshelf... somewhere. LOL I'd love to give this one a go. x

    1. Hi Sassy! I bet you'd enjoy it! Hope you can get to it soon! :)

  9. I was gifted this for Christmas! I can't wait to dive in! :)


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