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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Really Liked But Can't Really Remember

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish, which is now being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  The rules are exactly the same as they were before - this week's topic is Books I Really Liked But Can't Really Remember.  Let's just say it's a good thing I reviewed some of these or I'd be completely in the dark...  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

Alias Hook by Lisa Jensen

Harrison Squared by Daryl Gregory

Heist School Freshman by Alan Gallauresi

I Am Princess X by Cherie Priest

Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear

Roseblood by A.G. Howard

Taliesin by Stephen R. Lawhead


  1. It is such a pity to read books and then discover a month or two later that the story has completely vanished from the memory.

  2. You have one of my favorites up there - Iron King. I will admit, I am fuzzy on the details, but I remember how I felt about Meghan, Ash, and Puck, how enthralled I was with the world, and how much I needed to continue the story.

    1. I was hooked at the time - I know that, but why exactly I'm not so sure...

  3. I've read a few Lawhead books and I don't remember them super clearly either. Maybe it's time I revisited him. The Kagawa books look good to me, but I've never read her yet either.

    1. I should definitely jump back into them at some point.

  4. Ooh Roseblood. I keep meaning to read that book!

  5. I remembered LOVING The Iron King series, I kind of want to reread it now.

    1. I do want to try more of The Iron King series sometime. Refresh my memory.

  6. I read The Iron King years and years ago. Possibly years before I started blogging. All I remember is I did not buy into the love triangle.

  7. Great list! I haven't read any Julie Kagawa but I always feel as though I should give her a try.

  8. Great List, not read any of those but some look pretty good. :)

  9. I've always wanted to read Roseblood since i'm a huge fan of the Phantom of the Opera! (Also that cover for I Am Princess X is AMAZING)

    Here's my TTT if you want to give it a look:

  10. I haven't read any of these, but the covers are interesting. I'll have to look some of them up. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  11. The only books on here I vaguely remember were The Iron King (it was okay. I remember the sequels were better) and Roseblood (it's easy to remember because I DNFed it)

  12. I've heard good things about Julie's books (but haven't read any of them) and am curious about A.G's. In fact I think I own the first book in her 'Alice in Wonderland'-esque series. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland!!

  13. Ya know... I barely remember that I even read The Iron King.
    Marie @ Pages to Explore

  14. I haven't read any of these except Roseblood. And you know what? I don't really recall much about it either, except that it wasn't as good as I was expecting. lol :P

  15. I have a ton of books that I've been meaning to read for exactly this reason! :)


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