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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): Skin Game (The Dresden Files #15) by Jim Butcher + 50/50 Friday

On Friday's I take part in three weekly link ups - The Friday 56, hosted by Freda's Voice, Book Beginnings, hosted by Rose City Reader, and 50/50 Friday is a new weekly link up and it is hosted by Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader and Laura @ Blue Eye Books. For The Friday 56, you choose a book, a book you have just finished, a book you are about to start, your current read, and share a line or a few lines that grab you (but don't spoil anything) from page 56 or 56% of the way through the ebook. Post it and share your post's url on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post. As for Book Beginnings, you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires, and then link up your post's url with Rose City Reader. Then, for 50/50 Friday, every week there's a new topic featuring two sides of the same coin - you share a book that suits each category and link up on the hosts blogs.

This week I'm spotlighting one of my current reads, Skin Game (The Dresden Files #15) by Jim Butcher, which is also one of my #BeatTheBacklist challenge books.  Once I finish this novel, I will be caught up on the series (at least until the Peace Talks is released).  If you haven't already figured it out, this is one of my all time favorite series (being up to the fifteenth novel in the series should be a clue) - and this one is already pretty darn awesome!


There was a ticking time bomb inside my head and the one person I trusted to go in and get it out hadn't shown up or spoken to me for more than a year.


In the middle of the floor were a dozen brand-new work lights, blazing away, and an enormous wooden conference table complete with big leather chairs, brightly illuminated in the glow of the lamps.  There was a second table loaded with what looked like a fancy coffee machine.  A few feet away from that was a small pen of wire mesh, and inside it were a dozen restless brown-and-tan goats.

Goats.  Huh.

50/50 Friday - Book With Most Complex/Straightforward Plot Structure

Straightforward - The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli - Usually, when I think of contemporaries, I think straightforward.

Complex - A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1) by George R.R. Martin - Could be a bit of an understatement there! 

Have you tried any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Guess I ought to give The Dresden Files books a try. Glad you are almost caught up.

  2. For a while now, I've wanted to read The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. It seems like a good series.

  3. I wonder if it is causing him emotional or spiritual pain.

  4. I've heard lots of raves about The Dresden Files and I love the beginning! It definitely makes me want to keep reading.

    1. It's so awesome - you should definitely try it out. :)

  5. Now I'm really curious, Goats??? LOL I keep meaning to try this series.

    My Friday 56 from Look For Her

    1. Haha! You'll definitely have to start with Storm Front, book one. :)

  6. I'm a fan of the Dresden Files too. Glad to hear that a new one is coming. I'm spotlighting Year One by Nora Roberts. Happy reading!

    1. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long! :)

      Thanks for sharing.

  7. I have a couple Jim Butcher books. I should really get around to reading them. :-) Happy weekend!

  8. Gotta agree with you on A Game of Thrones! That one was my choice too.

  9. I love The Dresden Files! Enjoy. I’m anxiously awaiting the new one in the series. It’s been ages. 😩

  10. I love The Dresden Files but I am so

  11. Hi!

    I love how you love Dr Who!

    I've not read the Dresden Files, but heard a lot about the series.

    Here is mine:

    I forgot to leave my link earlier. Oops!

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Yep, I really do! :)

      I have a feeling you'd enjoy the series, Sassy.

      Thanks for sharing!

  12. I've read a few of the Dresden Files and really enjoyed them! Have a great weekend!

    Jo-Ann at Inspiration Pie

  13. Carrie (Butterfly Reader) also had Game of Thrones as her complex read and I completely agree! While I haven't been able to read any of the books yet (soon!), I've seen snippets of the TV show and it looks like something you really have to dedicate yourself to. Thanks for linking up, Lauren!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. From what I've read and watched, I can definitely say it is. :)

  14. I love the idea of a Beat the Backlist challenge! I have so many series I've started but never finished.

    Thanks for sharing the opening on Book Beginnings. I don't often get time to comment, but I appreciate your participation!

    1. I feel you there - I'm always getting distracted by the next shiny thing to come along! :)

  15. Beat the Backlist sounds like a great plan. I have three series I am so far behind on. This isn't a book I would normally reach for, but it has a neat cover. Hope you enjoy it.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. I love that beginning! I am totally intrigued. :)

  17. Great excerpts! Very descriptive, so I am now intrigued.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  18. I need to get back to the Dresden Files! Thanks for sharing! Have a great week! :)

  19. I'm working on my teetering TBR pile this year. So many books, so little time!
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

  20. I've been wanting to try the Dresden Files. This looks good.

  21. Oh, Beat the Backlist sounds like a challenge I ought to participate in. I've neglected...let's say, a few books in favor of new releases.


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