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Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Resolutions And Goals

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish, which is now being hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  The rules are exactly the same as they were before - this week's topic is Bookish Resolutions and Goals.  Here we go:

1. I've set my Goodreads reading challenge at 200, which is the same as I've done for the past few years.  I hope I can make it again this year, too. It's probably a good thing I'm a fast reader and can handle multiple books at once...

2. I'm back this year for Book Riot's 2018 Read Harder Challenge!  I enjoyed taking part last year and I really appreciated how it pushed me to read more widely and broadly.  It introduced me to some fantastic books and authors!

3. This year I've signed up for my first ever #BeatTheBacklist Challenge, hosted by Austine @ A Novel Knight.  I plan on earning lots of points for the Story Sorcerers team.  The rules are pretty easy for the challenge - all you have to do is read books published in 2017 or earlier.  I've narrowed the challenge a little further for myself by planning to focus on continuing series.

4. Going back to number three, I want to do a better job of keeping up with series rather than getting distracted by the next new shiny thing.

5. Like usual, I hope to read more of the books that I actually own - I really need to clear my shelves!

6. I also want to buy less books - I've only got so much shelf space and I'm running out.

7. For the books that I do buy, though, I want to make sure that I get the biggest bang for my buck - I plan on taking advantage of coupons, gift cards, thrift stores, and overstock stores.

8. I would like to explore more nonfiction this year.  It isn't one of my go to genres, but I've seen quite a few intriguing titles that I want to try out.

9. I would like to take part in more bookish events whether those are online like Twitter chats, readathons, and linkups, or in person, like talks or signings.

10. I also really need to weed my tbr on Goodreads because it has totally spiraled out of control.

Well, it looks like I've got quite a year ahead of me - wish me luck!  What are some of your bookish goals this year?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Lots of great goals here! The Beat the Backlist Challenge sounds like something I should take part in - I have a lot of pre-2017 unread books waiting for my on my shelves. I need to get better at continuing series, too. Best of luck with all of these!

    1. Thanks, Jess! :) It'll definitely help me read more of my own books!

  2. Whoa! So many great goals. Good for you doing the Read Harder challenge. I just couldn't commit to that, but I admire that you could. We (and many other bloggers) seem to have many common goals of reading our own books and finishing series. I love that you added trying to get the best buy when you do purchase a book. You have so much self control. Good luck with all of these. !

    1. I really liked it last year - and it has some great tasks this year, too. :)

      I don't know if I'd say that about the self control though! XD

  3. 200 is amazing. I wish I could do that. I aim for 104, two a week... which is more or less what I can manage if I don't let Netflix steal my time. Great goals and good luck! (Also I'm always a bit shy when it comes to bookish events!)

    1. Sounds like a good plan - I know that about Netflix for sure! :D I usually am to with the events...

      Good luck to you took, Olivia!

  4. Oh, I love reading non-fiction. That's a fantastic goal for this year. I hope you find many great reads in whatever parts of that genre appeal to you most. (I'm partial to history and biographies myself!)

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  5. I love the idea of weeding out my GR TBR. I mean, I just add things on a whim, not necessarily books I know I'm going to read. I think I have over 2000 books on that list right now! Good luck with all your goals!

  6. I obviously have the GR challenge and am hoping to read more of the books I already own. I made the buying less books one a couple of years ago and failed miserably, haven't tried since!
    My TTT:

  7. I just weeded my TBR list and then added all my Classics Club and Pulitzer Challenge books so it went down and then way up. Sigh. Good luck!

  8. I really like the #24in48 readathon, I probably can't attend this month but I really like it!

  9. Oo, finishing series and not starting new ones is a hard one! I need to do that too. XD I hope your reading goals work out! I'd like to work on trimming down my tbr in my room too.

  10. I want to do more bookish events too, like cons or signings, as well as Twitter chats or readathons. Those are all so fun. And reading more of my own books- definitely want to do that too. Instead of just getting new ones all the time!

    1. I just wish there were real life events in my area... :)

  11. It was really hard to think of 10, but I got there.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. It took me awhile to get there too, but I made it... :)

  12. Fantastic goals! Whew, 200 books though. I know you can do it, but IDK how you do it. LOL! Good luck with all of these. :)

    1. Fingers crossed! Mostly, I just read really fast! :D

  13. #5, SAME!! Good luck with your goals! :)

  14. I got rid of 100 books on my TBR last year, but now I'm close to the same number. I'm going to have to go through it as well. Good luck with all your goals, Lauren!

    1. I've deleted some too, but more just keep showing up! :)

  15. HI Lauren!

    I get 'new and shiny' LOL

    |TBR just keep breeding... there's just no stopping them!


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