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Reynard's Dream (The Three Hares #2) by Geoffrey Simpson - Review

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I received an ecopy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Ezra Reynard returns with rage, reinforcements, and a dream. As the school year wraps up, an unexpected announcement echoes through the halls. Students are dismissed early, and a new school system is to be introduced after the summer. But first, they must take a test… one which will define their entire futures. Winslow Falls is teetering on the brink of disaster, and their only hope is lurking within a three-hundred-year-old cypher.

Reynard's Dream (The Three Hares #2) by Geoffrey Simpson is a more than worthy sequel to The Three Hares and it's well worth picking up if you enjoyed book one. The sequel takes everything up a few a few notches from where we left off. Plus, everyone and everything has grown up a little with this installment. I particularly enjoyed the little historical details which really bring the story to life. Needless to say, it was also great to see these characters again and where they're at now.

Overall, I recommend giving Reynard's Dream a try if you enjoy YA adventures with high stakes, a good central mystery, and plenty of imagination. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what Geoffrey Simpson does next.

Thanks again for this opportunity, Mr. Simpson!

My review can also be found on Goodreads.


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