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Black Friday Readathon - Announcement & Potential TBR

Happy Wednesday everyone! I can't believe Thanksgiving is almost here and by extension Black Friday.  I hope everyone stays healthy and safe this year.  Since I won't be leaving my home for the next few days, what better excuse do I have to celebrate Black Friday by reading all day long (with maybe a few breaks here and there)?  This year I'm taking part in the Black Friday Readathon which is hosted by Du Livre, Books & Sensibility, and Mocha Girls Read.  You can also follow along on Twitter here.  I saw this around the last few years, but I've finally decided to jump in.  I'm going to use this readathon to work on my six current library checkouts- both physical books and ebooks.  I know I won't be able to get through all of these, but I'm going to be ambitious and go for it.  Keep reading to see my potential tbr:

Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Vol. 2: Masks by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, and Julian Tedesco, ebook - I loved Matt Fraction's Hawkeye series and I've also gotten hooked on Kelly Thompson's Kate Bishop Hawkeye so I'm really looking forward to seeing where her story goes in volume two.

Lady Killer, Vol. 2 by Joëlle Jones, Laura Allred, ebook - The first installment of this series was awesome and I'm so excited to see what's Josie's up to this time around.  Seriously, if you've ever wondered what June Cleaver from Leave It To Beaver would be like as an assassin you need to try this series.

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig, physical hardback - This sounds like it will be fantastic and as soon as I saw it appear at my library I figured I'd better snap it up!

A Study in Emerald by Neil Gaiman, Rafael Albuquerque, Rafael Scavone, and Dave Stewart, ebook - I'm always on the lookout for Sherlock Holmes retelling and this one sounds like it could be right up my alley.

One By One by Ruth Ware, physical hardback - Ruth Ware has quickly become one of my mystery thriller writers and I really looking forward to starting in on her newest release.  I lucked out - I didn't expect for my library hold to come in so soon!

The Wicked + The Divine, Vol. 4: Rising Action by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, and Matt Wilson, ebook - I've really liked the previous installments of this series though I'll admit that I was disappointed by volume three and I'm hoping that it takes back off here.

Are you taking part in the Black Friday Readathon?  What books are you hoping to read?  Have you read anything on my tbr yet?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m doing this readathon too. I’m going to work on getting through Nonfiction November books and the classic I’m currently reading.

  2. Is the Neil Gaiman retelling an expansion of short story?

    You've got some great books lined up, I can't wait to read tomorrow!

  3. Good luck! Hope you have fun doing the read-a-thon

  4. What a fun readathon! I've heard amazing things about The Midnight Library, I can't wait to hear your thoughts!


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