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Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'm Removing From My Goodreads TBR

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a Spring Cleaning Freebie.  If you follow or are friends with me on Goodreads, you'll know that my TBR is of mountainous proportions so this week I'm going to list ten books that I'm no longer interested in reading for one reason or another and am removing from my want to read list.  I know ten won't make much of a dent in anything, but it's a start right?  Here we go, in alphabetical order by title:

A Visit From the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan

Have you read any of these?  What books have you decided just aren't for you?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I really liked City of Thieves. It is a hard subject but actually quite funny. My TTT Spring Cleaning post

  2. Oh I remember seeing Let It Snow around a bit ago. It's always good to clean out stuff we're not gonna read anymore... :)

  3. I enjoyed A Visit from the Goon Squad, and I actually own The Dinner and Fates and Furies. But haven't read them either, lol.

  4. Honestly, I find starting to be the hardest part of cleaning out a TBR. You have a good start here! 10 books is nothing to sneeze at. :)

    My post:

  5. City of Thieves survived the current round of culling from my TBR, but it's always possible it might go in future.
    My TTT:

  6. Ten gone is still ten gone! Good luck with decluttering your TBR!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  7. It's always good to get rid of books you don't want to read anymore. Here is my post-

  8. I haven't read any of these, although one or two of them are on my TBR list somewhere. Mine is huge and out-of-control, so who knows what's on there these days? LOL.

    Happy TTT!


  9. Great list! Removing books we're no longer interest in from our TBRs is always so satisfying.

  10. I read three of these. Let it Snow as cute. The Luckiest Girl Alive was dark and the experience reminded me of how I felt reading Gone Girl.

  11. Yes I read Half Blood when I went through a YA phase many years ago but I never bothered with the rest of the series. I wish I could summon up a spring clean of my books!

    1. It feels good to clean it up even if it's only a little bit.


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