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Top Ten Tuesday: Funny Bookish Cozy Mystery Titles

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Funny Book Titles, but I'm narrowing it down to Funny Bookish Cozy Mystery Titles.  I don't read cozy mysteries often (generally I prefer my mysteries a little more hard boiled to say the least), but these are all on my TBR and all of them sound delightfully bookish with their clever titles.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order by title:

Books Can Be Deceiving (Library Lover's Mystery #1) by Jenn McKinlay 

Buried in a Book
(Novel Idea #1) by Lucy Arlington

Double-Booked For Death (Black Cat Bookshop Mystery #1) by Ali Brandon

Read and Gone (The Haunted Library Mysteries #2) by Allison Brook

Have you read any of these books?  What are some of your favorite funny book titles?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I LOVE cozy titles! They're always so fun. Ooh A Killer Plot! I read a few of the books in that series. The lighthouse one looks fun, and I've been wanting to try Jenn McKinlay as well.

  2. By Book or By Crook is such a great title!

    My post:

  3. Love these! I love cozy mystery titles anyway, and I love the bookish ones even more😁

  4. When I saw this week's prompt, cozies were the first books that came to mind. The titles are usually so fun and punny

  5. Homicide in Hardcover? What a great title!
    My TTT:

  6. I love cozy mysteries and I really should read more of them. I think the books that deal with books in some way are really fun. I want to read the Vicki Delany series because I love her Year Round Christmas cozy mystery series.


  7. Oh yes! So many great book titles! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  8. I don't usually read cozies, but I'm always so amused by their titles! The genre seems to have so many with great punny titles, and I think it's adorable. Books Can Be Deceiving is just a great title! What a fun list.

    1. Thanks for coming over, Lisa. They always have some great ones.

  9. I love that you highlighted cozies this week! Definitely one of my favorite genres and, come on, those titles are great. Read and Gone is one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy all of these!

  10. I absolutely love cozy mystery titles. They also make me want to read them to be honest. Love this collection of bookish related titles. I definitely considered some of this at some point but I still want to get through some of the cozy mysteries on my shelf before I get new ones. hahaha

  11. I was thinking someone would do cozy mystery titles for this, because I absolutely LOVE cozy mystery titles! They're often so amazingly punny! So glad you chose them. I enjoyed all your titles, but I think Murder Is Binding is my favorite.

  12. The ones with "Cat" in the title are funny! :) Thanks so much for the Finding Wonderland visit.


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