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Top Ten Tuesday: Places In Books I’d Love To Visit

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Places In Books I’d Love to Live, but I've changed it up just a bit to Places In Books I’d Love To Visit instead.  I like reading about places that are at least a little dangerous, so wanting to actually live there's might be a bit of a stretch.  I wouldn't say no to a nice visit though.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order by title:

The Risen Kingdoms from An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors (The Risen Kingdoms #1) by Curtis Craddock

Arnes from A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

Ankh-Morpork from Going Postal (Discworld #33) by Terry Pratchett

Marsyas Island from The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune

The Great Library Ink and Bone (The Great Library #1) by Rachel Caine

Kekon from Jade City (The Green Bone Saga #1) by Fonda Lee

Copper River, Michigan from Libriomancer (Magic Ex Libris #1) by Jim C. Hines

Camorr from The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott Lynch

Chicago from Storm Front (The Dresden Files #1) by Jim Butcher

Tevanne from Foundryside (The Founders Trilogy #1) by Robert Jackson Bennett

What fictional place would you like to visit or live in?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below.


  1. Terry Pratchett's world sounds so awesome and whimsical to me! :)

  2. Ankh-Morpork sounds so fun to visit!

    My post:

  3. You've picked some dangerous places! But I think it would be cool to visit all the Londons in a Darker Shade of Magic😁

  4. I agree - I would first go and visit a few places and then decide if I actually want to live there. Great fictional places you choose! I would also like to visit The Great Library.

    Elza Reads

    1. What book nerd wouldn't want to visit the Great Library? :)

  5. I'd love to visit Arnes too. The Great Library as described in Rachel Caine's books though sounds a little scary, much as I've enjoyed reading about it.
    My TTT:

  6. I took the visit approach too. I am only familiar with a few of these worlds, and I dub you one brave person. Some of these worlds were a bit precarious

  7. I want to go to Kekon, too.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.


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