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Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Anti-Heroes

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a freebie and I've decided to share my Favorite Anti-Heroes.  Without further ado, here we go in alphabetical order by character name:

Cassel Sharpe from White Cat (Curse Workers #1) by Holly Black

Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

Drothe from Among Thieves (Tales of the Kin #1) Douglas Hulick

Geralt of Rivia from The Last Wish (The Witcher #0.5) by Andrzeg Sapokowski 

Jarlaxe Baenre from The Servant of the Shard (The Sellswords #1) by R.A. Salvatore

Jasper "Jazz" Dent from I Hunt Killers (I Hunt Killers #1) by Barry Lyga

Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo

Locke Lamora and Jean Tannen from The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastard #1) by Scott Lynch

Logen Ninefingers from The Blade Itself (The First Law #1) by Joe Abercrombie

Xifeng from Forest of a Thousand Lanterns (Rise of the Empress #1) by Julie C. Dao

Who are some of your favorite anti-heroes?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. Great one! Jarlaxle is the only one I know although I've of course heard of some of the others! Man, I haven't read Salvatore in ages!

  2. I really enjoyed Six of Crows. I've been watching The Witcher series on Netflix and look forward to reading the books! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  3. I haven't read any of these, but I'm glad you enjoyed them!

    Happy TTT!

  4. I love an anti-hero! One of my faves is Artemis Fowl from Eoin Colfer's Artemis Fowl series. His character development over the course of the series is *chef's kiss*.
    My TTT:

  5. Great topic! Anti-heroes are the best characters. My favorite is probably Crake from Margaret Atwood's MaddAddam series.

    1. I need to get back into that series. The first one was so good.

  6. Forest of a Thousand Lanterns is such a good one. Kaz is always the first character I think of when this kind of topic comes up. Great choices!

    1. Thanks, Alicia! There are so many characters that fit this. :)


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