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Top Ten Tuesday: 2015 Releases I Meant To Get To But Didin't

Happy Tuesday everyone!  This week's theme for Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, is 2015 I Meant To Get To But Didn't.  What can I saw aside from so many great books came out this year, that I didn't have the chance to get through all of them.  I even own the first three books on my list...oh well, I plan on getting to them right away this year.  So many books, so little time!

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Winter by Marissa Meyer

The Awesome by Eva Darrows

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

Ensnared by A.G. Howard

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker

The Invisible Library by Genevieve Cogman

Dead Boys by Gabriel Squailia

Ink and Bone by Rachel Caine

Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older

What to you think of my list this week?  Have you read any of these books yet?  Which should I tackle first?  Do you have any recommendations for me?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog - all comments are very much appreciated!


  1. I own or have read some of the books from your list. The Witch Hunter, is a pretty good book, and I am curious about the sequel and how that will work. (you'll know what I mean after you read it)

    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

  2. I hate that I've only read throne of glass.. the other books in the series just keep staring at me like hello why haven't you bought me yet???? Lol

    1. I really should keep going in that series! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I hate that I've only read throne of glass.. the other books in the series just keep staring at me like hello why haven't you bought me yet???? Lol

  4. I am seeing Illuminae everywhere. I'm very intrigued! I hope that you enjoy these books. :-)

  5. A Court of Thorns and Roses is on my list this week too! And I still have to start The Lunar Chronicles so Winter will hopefully be read someday too. Great list!

    My TTT

    1. I hope you'll enjoy The Lunar Chronicles! Thanks for sharing.

  6. I can't believe I forgot about Illuminae or The Witch Hunter! I'd been so excited about both!

  7. I haven't read any of these yet, but have a few of them on my TBR. I had actually forgotten that I own Witch Hunter until I saw it here.

    1. Sometimes I stumble across a book I forgot that I owned too... :)

  8. I love the cover of Dead Boys, so add that one to my unending list of TBR books... :) I enjoyed The Witch Hunter and A Court of Thorns and Roses was one of my absolute favorite reads. So much more to read!

    1. I can't wait to check them out! Thanks for visiting!

  9. I still need to read Winter, too! I has intentions of buying it as soon as it came out and reading it right away. I guess I'm not ready for the series to be over yet. Also, the size of the book is a little daunting. :P

    Sarah @ Kerosene Lit

    1. I got it right away, but I had to much to get through before I could actually pick it up. I'm not ready either...

  10. I squeaked Illuminae in just before the end of the year, and it's good. The nice thing is the sequel is coming out in mid 2016 I think, so the wait's not too far off.

  11. I can definitely recommend both Ink and Bone and The Awesome. I was so pleasantly pleased with the both of them. I still haven't decided if I am going to read Illuminae yet but I have heard wonderful things about it.

    1. I just finished The Awesome not too long ago (review forthcoming) and I can't wait to get to Ink and Bone. :)

  12. Out of your list, I've read Winter, Illuminae, and ACOTAR. I really liked all of them! You have some great picks here! :D Shadowshaper sounds so cool! I haven't read that much urban fantasy outside of TMI and TID, so I'll have to look into that!

    Here's my TTT!

  13. I hope you get to read these soon! I loved INK AND BONE and ILLUMINAE, I didn't care that much for DEAD BOYS or THE AWESOME, but you may love them:-)

    1. I just finished The Awesome recently, it was alright but it didn't quite live up to the name for me. Can't wait to the others though! Thanks for visiting!

  14. Illuminae sounds so amazing. I need it. A Court Of Thorns + Roses is on my list too :D I absolutely adore Sarah J. Maas's writing style <3 Also, I'm a little on the fence about Ink + Bone. It was on my wishlist until a couple of days ago when I couldn't finish Prince Of Shadows by Rachel Caine. I'm not sure I love her as much as I thought :( Hopefully it won't fail us!

    1. I haven't tried anything by Rachel Caine but I can't wait to try her books either way. :)

  15. I've only read ACOTAR and The Witch Hunter (quite a few of these are on my list too), so I'm partial to those two. I have very high hopes for most of these though!

    Mel @ Reviews In A Pinch

  16. I've heard a lot about Illuminae. It looks so interesting. One day I'll have to read it.

    I actually haven't read any of these yet. But I did get Winter for Christmas, so I'll have to read it soon.

    I've never heard of The Invisible Library though and it looks good too! But that cover on Ink and Bone. Beautiful!

    1. I hope you get to read all of them! Thanks for visiting, Ashley!

  17. I just read A Court of Thorns and Roses and really enjoyed it! Also Winter was the perfect ending to the Lunar Chronicles. =)

    1. I can't wait to get to them! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  18. First of all, can I tell you how excited I am to see The Invisible Library on your list! That was number 11 on mine! Also may I suggest Winter and Ink and Bone since both were stupendous! I hope we both love Illuminae when we read it!
    ❤️Britt @ Please Feed The Bookworm

    1. It sounds so cool! I hope it's as great as it sounds. :) For all of them really!

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  19. I want to read Ink and Bone too. Winter is so good! I read it right after the release, and now I'm listening to it again. I'm catching more details the second time. The first time through I was so anxious to get to the end, I think I read it too fast.

  20. First of all, can I tell you how excited I am to see The Invisible Library on your list! That was number 11 on mine! Also may I suggest Winter and Ink and Bone since both were stupendous! I hope we both love Illuminae when we read it!
    ❤️Britt @ Please Feed The Bookworm

  21. Illuminae, ACOTAR and The Awesome was amazing. And I really need to read The Witch Hunter as well. I hope you'll love all of these. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. I just finished The Awesome and it was pretty good! I can't wait to read the others. Thanks for visiting my blog, too! :)

  22. I've been wanting to broaden my reading, so I want to start reading more retellings. A Court of Thorns and Roses, might join my TBR! Great Top Ten!

    My TTT! :D

    1. I hope we'll both enjoy it! Thanks for sharing and visiting my blog! :)

  23. I haven't even heard of The Invisible Library... now adding it to the MBR pile. Thanks... and thanks for stopping by my TTT list earlier.

    Happy Reading!

  24. I really want to read Shadowshaper and the Witch Hunter (I love witches, why haven't I read this?). Winter was great, an excellent ending to a wonderful series.

  25. I do want to read Illuminae, but I'm hesitant about getting involved with any more series right now. Looks like you have some great choices here. Enjoy!

  26. Interesting list! I haven't read any of these.

    Thanks for stopping my my TTT!

  27. I loved Ink and Bone! Shadowshaper isn't bad either--the diversity is awesome and it has a really intriguing magic system--but I didn't really love it. Still worth reading if it sounds interesting, though.

    Thanks for stopping by @ Spellbound!

    1. I can't wait to read them. :) Thanks for visiting my blog, too.

  28. Ink and Bone and The Invisible Library have just made their way onto my bookshelf - definitely looking forward to getting stuck in! :D

    1. I hope you'll enjoy them! They sound really promising!

  29. I have heard so many good things about Ink and Bone. A friend of mine read it and loved it! Illuminae seems like a really interesting book and I almost put it on my list.Hopefully you get to read these books this year!

    1. Thanks - I hope so. And that they live up to my expectations. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  30. Yes, Illuminae! I might just end up buying that one. I hadn't heard of many of the books on your list, but I have now happily added them to my TBR. Especially The Invisible Library and Ink and Bone - I like books about books!

    1. I hope we'll both enjoy them! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  31. There are so many good ones on this list!! You definitely have to read ACTOAR as soon as possible!!

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy! Thanks for visiting and sharing!

  32. Great list! Quite a few of these made my list as well. I'm really excited about reading A Court of Thorn and Roses. I'm just waiting on that one from the library.

    1. I hope it will come in soon for you! Thanks for visiting!

  33. I just got my copy of Illuminae yesterday. I’m working my way slowly thought Winter, it’s so amazing but I just have so many books I’m reading at once it’s insane! I also highly recommend ACOTAR! It was one of my fav books last year! I hope you get your hands on and love these titles you are missing  Top Ten

    1. Thanks! I can't wait to finally get my hands on them! I hope you're liking Winter and will enjoy Illuminae!

  34. Illuminae, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Winter are all on my list too! Although I did read Queen of Shadows, part of me isn't ready to dive into another Maas world because of everything going on in the Throne of Glass series lol

    Check out my TTT

    1. There sure is a lot to keep track of, isn't there! :) Thanks for sharing.

  35. I still haven't read Winter yet and I feel so horrible about it! Definitely going to be reading it ASAP! i also still have to read The Sin Eater's Daughter and The Orphan Queen!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

    1. I'll need to try The Sin Eater's Daughter, myself! Thanks for visiting!

  36. I had never seen The Awesome, but it does look rather awesome lol. And I would like to read the whole Splintered series this year since I have yet to even start!

    1. It's quite a bit of fun - I just finished it a little while ago! Thanks for stopping by!

  37. I've got a bunch of these on my TBR, too! The Invisible Library (and the sequel, just out) was a lot of fun!

    1. The sequel? I may just add that to my tbr on principle alone.

  38. I really need to read ACOTAR as well. I've had the book for a while now. I'd also like to start the Lunar Chronicles as they've been on the pile for far too long as well. Seeing The Invisible Library on your list reminded me I also have that book somewhere as well :)

  39. I was hoping to get to Illuminae and The Witch Hunter too. They both sound great! I really enjoyed A Court of Thorns and Roses. Great list! :)

  40. I hope you can pick up Winter this year. I read it already and absolutely loved it ^^ I also wanted to read Illuminae and I'm still hoping to make it happen soon.

    1. I should be able to - after I finish Illuminae! :) Happy reading and thanks for stopping by!

  41. I need to read Winter and Ink and Bone sometime soon as well! Illuminae was pretty good, although I do struggle with the sci-fi genre it was an easy read for me. I loved ACOTAR but thought it was a bit weaker than her other series Throne of Glass. Thanks for stopping by my post :)

  42. So many good books here! I LOVED Illuminae - it ended up being one of my favorite books from last year. I hope you get to read all of these soon!

    1. Very cool! Now I really can't wait to pick it up! :)

  43. I so hope you'll have the chance to read all these novels! Winter was a good conclusion, even if it disappointed me on some levels. :)

    1. I hope so, too. I'm hoping I will enjoy all of them!

  44. ACOTAR and Ensnared are both really really good! Hope you have time for them in 2016!

    1. I'm hoping I'll have the chance! Thanks for visiting my blog! :)

  45. Hmmm.. The Invisible Library and the Shadowshaper sound like interesting reads. Thanks for sharing!

    Sorry I saw the post so late :/

    Kate @

  46. I need to read Illuminae and ACOTAR!! I was going to buy the audio for Illuminae since I read a review that said it was great and the sample was really good but I feel like it's such a unique book with the format that I want to read it in physical form.


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