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Top Ten Tuesday: All Time Favorite Epic Fantasy Novels

Happy Tuesday and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's theme is All Time Favorite Books of X Genre - this can be broad or narrowed down in to a sub-genre or your choosing - I opted for Epic Fantasy.  Below are some of my all time favorites from that genre.  Here we go, in no particular order:

A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

The Princess Bride by William Goldman

The Wayfarer Redemption by Sara Douglass

The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkein

Through Wolf's Eyes by Jane Lindskold

The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

The Neverending Story by Michael Ende

The Dark Tower by Stephen King

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

Well, what do you think of my list this week?  Have you read any of these?  What are some of your all time favorites?  As always thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting.


  1. Ooh great list. Game of Thrones and LotR are the top of my list too. :) Between those two what other fantasy do I need ha ha? The Princess Bride though -I've seen the movie a zillion times and never read the book.

    The Wayfarer redemption and Sara Douglass' stuff in general have caught my eye before, nice to see them on a list. I always thought they looked good but never did buy them... maybe I should go back and try to get them.

    1. Thanks! I absolutely loved all six books in The Wayfarer Redemption series! You should definitely check them out.

  2. Yes, yes, yes to The Princess Bride! Both book and movie are amazing! I haven't read GoT but I love the show and I love LotR too! My brother is forever pushing The Lies of Locke Lamora on me, I definitely need to get on that soon!
    Here's my TTT post

    1. Yes, your brother is right - you need to read The Lies of Locke Lamora! :)

      Thanks for sharing.

  3. ASOIAF is the best *.* It's too bad we have to wait years for a sequel though...

  4. I must pick up The Lies of Locke Lamora. I really want to get into that series. A Darker Shade of Magic is so wonderful. I cannot wait for the final book. Great list, Lauren!

    1. I highly recommend Locke Lamora on audio! Thanks for visiting, Alicia!

  5. Great list! Definitely not surprised to see The A Song of Ice and Fire series up there. I have always been ntrigued by the never ending story because of the movies and would be interested in checking out the book

    Liselle @ Lunch-Time Librarian

    1. I saw the movie first - it's one of my favorites - but just to warn you, the book is quite different. But, I love both!

  6. I love fantasy and although I've seen quite a few of these movies, I haven't read a single one of these books. It's quite shameful, really. Great epic fantasy list!

  7. When I finally got around to reading The Princess Bride, I was surprised how different the tone was from the film, but I enjoyed it all the same.

  8. *gasps* THE DARK TOWER. Oh, my heart. I read the entire series over the course of a summer several years back -- the movie? With Idris Elba? I can't wait. THERE ARE OTHER WORLDS THAN THESE.

    I've heard many great things about Victoria Schwab's latest offering, and its def on my list.

    Nice work!

  9. I'm slowly working my way through The Dark Tower series. It's my friends favorite, so I'm reading it for her. :)

    Nice list!

  10. I had such a weird time reading The Neverending Story! I (obviously) love the movie so much so it was super strange finding out that the movie was only half the book! I found the second half to be really, really difficult to read, but I still enjoyed the book a lot! I'll have to check out some of these others. Great list :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I know what you mean - going in after growing up with the movie - such a surprise!

  11. I don't think I'll have the patience to read Game of Thrones, it's such a thick book. :( I am about to start with its season 2 though (cause I'm behind the bandwagon--new to the GOT hype), and I enjoy the TV series. :)

    I'm hoping to read VE Schwab's This Savage Song or the Archived. :)

    1. But, it's so worth it! :) I'm behind too - I'll be on season three when I jump back into it. :)

  12. Fantastic list Lauren, I'm trying to get into fantasy more.

  13. Yes for The Princess Bride and ADSOM! I especially love the latter - Schwab is such a good writer.

    Reg @ She Latitude

  14. The only one here that I've read is Game of Thrones but you've got a ton of books I really want to read. I'm hoping to start The Lies of Locke Lamora sometime this week.

  15. Good choices! I need to get round to Through Wolf's Eyes, it's been on my TBR a while. And GoT, actually...

    1. I really, really hope you'll like Through Wolf's Eyes, Nikki!

  16. I love your list! Thanks for stopping by my TTT.

  17. Your list is pretty much a list of fantasy books I want to read! One day I will get to them, I hope!

  18. You've compiled a great list. I think all of the ones I've read on your list are among my favorites too--The Princess Bride, Lord of the Rings, and A Game of Thrones. The rest are books either in my TBR pile or on my wish list. I really need to get to The Neverending Story. I love the book.

    1. It's so different, but so good! I hope you enjoy it, and thanks for visiting my blog!

  19. I have heard so many great things about ADSOM that I'm really interested to read it!

  20. My son (age 6) is obsessed with The Neverending Story. We bought him the paperback for Christmas last year, and he pretends to read it all the time. I've read a few excerpts to him, but I really need to read the whole book. It seems very different from the movie.

    1. Aww!! But, yeah, it is quite different, but still wonderful.

  21. Great picks!! I love GoT an LOTR. I started The Legend of Drizzt, but I need to read more.

    1. There are so many Drizzt books - even I've fallen behind...I'll need to fix that!

  22. I probably should catch up on A Song of Ice and Fire, but as far as I know, I'm only one book behind at this rate, lol.

    V.E. Schwab is a writing goddess <3

    And I really need to read Lynch's books, don't I?

    1. I'm a little further behind, but I figure I've got plenty of time to catch up...

      YES to those last two!

  23. I love ASOIAF & The Dark Tower Series! Also, The Lies of Locke Lamora is pretty awesome :) It's cool to see A Darker Shade of Magic on your list - it's on my wishlist and makes me confident that I will like it as well!

  24. There are some epic ones on here that I've heard tons about, but the only one here I've actually read is the Shades of Magic series which I adore!

  25. Despite so many of these being classics, I've not read a single one. My bad. I've never even seen the 'Lord of the Rings' film series. Ah, well. I did see The Princess Bride once and seem to forever forget that it's based on a novel. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren.

  26. A Darker Shade of Magic has been on my list for awhile, but I always have to return it to the library before I get a chance to read it. :( From what it sounds like, it might be worth it for me to just buy it at this point.

  27. I've read the Legend of Drizzt! And i own ADSoM, but haven't read it, yet. Great list! I'll have to look into these!

  28. Great list! Doh, I should have thought of The Princess Bride :) I saw V.E. Schwab at the Decatur Book Fest and she's great. Super smart lady. Adding The Wayfarer Redemption by Sara Douglass and Through Wolf's Eyes by Jane Lindskold to my TBR pile. They look like ones I'd enjoy. I've had The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore forever and NEED to read it.


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