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Summer 2016 Comment Challenge Wrap-Up

This past June, July, and August I gladly took part in The Comment Challenge, hosted by Alicia @ A Kernel of Nonsense and Lonna @ FLYLēF.  Each month the participants were paired up with another blogger and we would get to know them by visiting and commenting on their blog.  Basically, it was a fantastic way to reach out to other bloggers (that you may or may not already be familiar with) and form new connections by leaving comments on one another's blogs, or by chatting on Twitter.  It's a great way to build new friendships in the blogosphere -  I hope to keep in contact with my partners in the months ahead.  This summer I was paired up with Ellen and Sierra @ Quest Reviews in June, Mari @ Story and Somnomancy in July, and Anne @ Head Full of Books in August.  Thanks for everything, guys!

By the way, I'm really pleased to hear that we're going to have a Winter 2017 Comment Challenge this coming January through March.  I'm really looking forward to it!


  1. I don't think I've ever heard of a comment challenge before. Sounds awesome! I may have to keep an eye out for the next one.

  2. Hi Lauren! It's because of bloggers like you that have made this challenge to awesome! Thank you for your participation, and we look forward to seeing you again in January.

  3. Thank you for participating, Lauren! It was so nice to have you and I hope you enjoy the Winter Challenge as well.

  4. It was certainly fun getting to know you too, Lauren! :)

    1. We had a good month, and I hope we'll keep in contact! :)


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