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Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall TBR List

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is Books On My Fall TBR List, so below you will find my next reads (in print) in the order I plan on tackling them.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

The Circuit: Executioner Rising by Rhett C. Bruno

Alive (The Generations Trilogy #1) by Scott Sigler

Finnikin of the Rock (The Lumatere Chronicles #1) by Melina Marchetta

Downfall (Cal Leandros #9) by Rob Thurman

A Criminal Magic by Lee Kelly

This Savage Song (Monsters of Verity #1) by V.E. Schwab

Have you read any of these yet, or would you like to?  What's on your tbr this fall?  As always, thanks for visiting and perhaps commenting!


  1. I need to read Ready Player One too, it's been on my TBR for ages ><
    I've read Alive but I didn't like it as much as I wanted to but I think that's because I'm not a fan of the genre in general. It made me think of The Maze Runner ~

  2. You should read Ready Player One YESTERDAY, it's flawless.

  3. Ready Player One is good! It should be a movie, great universe. A Gathering of Shadows was frustrating for me, cause I wanted more action, but I think #3 in the series will have what I was looking for. Regardless, Kell is awesome. Ah, should have added This Savage Song to my list :)

    1. I'm reading it right now and I'm loving it! I've heard there will be a movie, so I can't wait. :)

  4. Dang! I legit forgot all about Alive, which is sad because I own Alive and Alight. I need to get on that. And we've both got Schwab on our lists. :D

    Mel @ Reviews In A Pinch

  5. I've only heard good things about Ready Player One, probably why I haven't read it yet. I'm weird like that. I don't like reading books that get mostly praise I worry that it won't live up to the hype.
    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. I know exactly what you mean, but I'm loving it so far!

  6. Alive and Magnus Chase are really fantastic!!! I hope you love them as well. Nice list. :D :D

    AngelErin @ Angel Erin's Book Obsession

  7. I hope you love Ready Player One, I thought it ws pretty fun.

  8. Omg YAY for all the Schwab here! I adore Schwab so I think you're going to have a marvellously fantastic reading month here. <3

  9. I want to read This Savage Song so much! I own a copy but have yet to get to it!

    Carrie @ The Butterfly Reader

  10. They all look so good, but Savage Song. I have been meaning to read that one for awhile.

  11. You have a great TBR here Lauren ^^ I also can't wait to read A Gathering of Shadows. I think the first book was quite good and I'm super curious to see where the story goes next. Happy reading in Fall :)

    1. I'm so excited to see more of Kell and Lilah! :)

      Thanks, Soudha!

  12. This Savage Song is amazing, I really hope you love it! I've got A Darker Shade of Magic on my list this week, hoping to get started on Schwab's amazing fantasy, I hope you enjoy book 2! :)

    1. Thanks! I loved A Darker Shade of Magic and Vicious - so I can't wait to see more of her work!

  13. Yesss Ready Player One is a great choice! I also really want to get to Finnikin of the Rock, I've heard great things.

  14. A Gathering of Shadows is so good! Hope you enjoy it.
    My TTT:

  15. I can't wait for A Gathering of Shadows! I hope you love it, Lauren! I've seen Finnikin of the Rock floating around, but I don't really know what it is about. Thanks for the recommendations! I'll be adding several of these to my TBR. :)

    1. I'll be reading Finnikin and the Rock for a challenge, and I've heard a lot of great things abut the series.

      Hope you find some good ones!

  16. I've heard amazing things about This Savage Song, and might be joining in with a readalong for it next month - I probably should have put it on my TBR too!

  17. You've got some great books on here! Hope you enjoy!

  18. I've read this Savage song - it was ok, but it missed that spark for me. Hope you enjoy these :-)

  19. I really enjoyed Ready Player One and Sword of Summer. Hope you enjoy whichever you read.

    1. I'm really enjoying Ready Player One right now!

      Thanks, Louise!

  20. Those are definitely some awesome covers. Hope the contents for you are as amazing as the covers.

  21. Ready Player One! :) Yay! I loved that book :)

  22. I've been meaning to read READY PLAYER ONE for forever. One of these days!

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT the other day.

  23. I loved Magnus Chase! I've been meaning to get to Ready Player One for awhile too. Great list!

    1. I'm really hoping Magnus Chase is just as good as Percy Jackson.

  24. Great list! I hope you enjoy reading Ready Player One when you get to it :)

    Thanks for dropping by my TTT :)

    1. I'm about 20% of the way through and I'm loving it so far!

      Thanks for visiting!

  25. Finnikin of the Rock is one of my favorite books. And I loved This Savage Song. I also need to read Ready Player One. It's been on my TBR for quite some time now. I hope you'll enjoy all of these. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. I can't wait to get to Finnikin of the Rock - thanks for visiting my blog, too, Petra!

  26. I keep meaning to read Finnikin of the Rock! I hope you love these books. :-)

    1. Thanks! I hope you enjoy Finnikin of the Rock when you get to it!

  27. I've heard a lot of great things about a lot of the books on this list (Ready Player One being the prime example, but also the Cal Leandros series and Finnikin of the Rock). Some are completely new to me, though. A Criminal Magic sounds really intriguing.

    1. I really liked Lee Kelly's first book, and something like A Criminal Magic sounds like it will be awesome!

  28. I haven't read Ready Player One either and I'm really excited to one day, because I hear it's a reference fest and it sounds like fun :P Also, I need to read Schwab's books and I've had Lock In on my radar for quite a while. Great list!

    1. I'm only 20% of the way through right now and it really is! :)

  29. I really want to read the Schwab one's and definitely pick up Finnikin on the Rock. This list sounds really fun!

  30. A Gathering of Shadows is pretty amazing, I'm so stoked for the final book. I love Finnikin of the Rock and have the final two books on my shelf but haven't read those too yet. I must do this. Hope you get to all the books on your list!

    1. Yay! I can't wait to read it! I hope you enjoy them too!

  31. This is such a great list, Lauren. I hope you do get a chance to read Ready Player One. I listened to the audio version and really liked it. So many of the other books on your list are ones I'd like to read. A Gathering of Shadows and Lock In, especially.

    1. Thanks! I'm on Ready Player One right now! I've been told that the audiobook is great.

      Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy them!

  32. So much yes to A Gathering Of Shadows! I need to get to that one myself. :)

  33. Ah I must still get around to The Sword of Summer - I love Rick Riordan's books!

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post!

  34. Yes to Schwab fall reading! And I enjoyed Ready Player One lots, too. I hope you enjoy them :D

  35. I'm dying to read Finnikin of the Rock! Definitely way up there on my list! Haven't read the others on this list (though both Schwab books are also on my TBR list!)

  36. I've read none of these but I am very intrigued by Finnikin. Also, Magnus Chase! I'm currently reading The Lost Hero which is delightful <33

  37. I really want to read the Schwab one's and definitely pick up Finnikin on the Rock. This list sounds really fun!


    1. Finnikin of the Rock is excellent and Schwab hasn't let me down yet. :)


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