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Top Ten Tuesdays: TV Shows That I Wish Hadn't Been Cancelled

Happy Tuesday and welcome to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  Since fall tv seasons will be starting up soon, this week's theme is a tv-themed freebie.  I've decided to do mine this weekend on TV Shows That I Wish Hadn't Been Cancelled.  Here we go, in no particular order:

Agent Carter




Pushing Daisies

Almost Human

Tru Calling




Have you watched any of these shows?  Do you miss them as much as me?  What tv shows do you wish hadn't been cancelled?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting!


  1. Agent Carter and Galavant are also on my list. I'll have to check out the rest of your recs :)

    1. They're so good! I also can't recommend Pushing Daisies enough!

  2. I dont know any of these show except Tru Calling and Moonlight. Both of these were sooo good !
    Selfie is one of the funniest show I've ever watched but unfortunately it has been cancelled... I was so disappointed when I found out !

    1. Yes! I was thinking about adding Selfie, but it didn't quite make the cut for my top ten.

  3. I'm still in mourning for the cancellation of the original Star Trek! Thanks for sharing your favorites that have been cancelled!

    Here's my list of TV Shows I Watch Even After I Gave Up TV!

  4. Okay, so I have only watched one of those Moonlight and I agree I wish it wasn't cancelled it was a great show.

  5. YES I'M SO MAD ABOUT AGENT CARTER!! I haven't seen S2 yet, but agh I heard it ends on a cliffhanger and the fact that there's no resolution EVER is going to make me cry and suffer. S1 was so so perfect and Peggy is my hero tbh. <3

    1. I hope you enjoy the rest of it, Caitlin, although you heard right. Peggy's just the best!

  6. The only one I recognize is Pushing Daisies...! Maybe it's a South African thing??? Will have to see if I can find some of the other ones. I think you will love my TTT:

    1. Definitely look for them!

      Thanks for sharing, Mareli!

  7. Yeah, it's a real bummer that Agent Carter got canceled. Same for Constantine, I haven't watched the other shows on this list.
    My TTT:Marie @ Pages to Explore

    1. You know, I heard that they're doing a Justice League Dark movie, so maybe Matt Ryan could come back as Constantine...

      Thanks for sharing, Marie!

  8. Agent Carter was a good show and it's a big disappointment they canceled. I was looking forward to more. And Jericho I see on netflix but have never tried it- maybe I should?

  9. I'm so glad about Agent Carter getting cancelled. I love that show so much. And Pushing Daisies, that show was my jam! I feel like it never got a fair shot on tv. Great list!

  10. Pushing Daisies! That was such a cute show!

  11. The only one on that list that I'm familiar with is Jericho, and I never did watch the whole series before it was cancelled. Moonlight looks cool! I bet that I would have liked that one.

  12. Wow, I didn't know Agent Carter was cancelled. It didn't seem to be on that long. That really sucks! I hate when my favorite shows get cancelled! Great Top Ten :D

    1. Thanks! It seems like that's what happens to all of my favorites...

  13. Oh my goodness! I haven't heard about any of those series! :( I don't think my TV has access to those.

  14. I love this list! I hate it when favorite shows get cancelled. I remember when Friends finished out their last season, and I got so sad!

    May I ask where did you get the gifs?

    1. Basically, I started by doing an animated images google search for the shows or actors.

  15. Great list! I'm truly sad Agent Carter, Galavant, Pushing Daisies and Moonlight got cancelled! After all this time, I still want more Moonlight! Really did not like how that ended!

  16. I was so sad to hear Agent Carter was canceled! I loved the premise and the idea of a female lead Marvel production!
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse

    1. I think I was in denial about it...still am actually.

  17. I didn't know that Galavant was canceled! I watched the first season, but never got around to the second. I wonder if it's on Netflix. Great list! :)

    1. I don't know if it is, but the second season was great!

  18. I haven't watched any of these! Glad you loved them though.

    1. If you're looking for any new shows to dive into... :)

  19. I'm vaguely familiar with a couple of these, for the most part, these shows are new to me. I might catch onto shows too late to know about many of the cancelled ones.

    1. Most of these I started from the beginning and was crushed by the news of cancellation.

  20. Pushing Daisies NEEDS to have a revival. I heart that show so much and have re-watched many of the episodes. Also, Agent Carter was another gem. Glad we were able to enjoy it for as long as we did. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren.

    1. You're right - at least we got them for as long as we did.

  21. I always thought Pushing Daisies looked so good, but I never got around to watching it before it was canceled.

  22. I've heard of some of these, but in all honesty I never watched any of them! Finding shows that you love though that end up being cancelled down the road is so dissapointing! I used to watch the spin off series, Alice in Wonderland, that was a spin off of Once Upon A Time (ABC). I LOVED it but they didn't make it past the first season! Such a bummer!
    Emily @

    1. That was good while it lasted - I was so pleased to see Socha cast in it!

  23. YESSSS to Jericho! I really liked that show and I hate how it ended. I mean, give us a little closure!

  24. I'm surprised to say that I actually haven't seen a single one of the shows on this list! :O

  25. OMG, I loved Almost Human, was so sad when it got canceled. Thanks for stopping by our blog.

  26. I've only seen Pushing Daisies from your list and yes, it was a great show!

  27. I was really sad that they cancelled Journeyman too!

  28. I haven't watched many of the TV shows you featured on your list this week but I am still so so biter about the fact that Pushing Daisies was cancelled. It was an amazing show I can't believe it only got two seasons! The same goes for Agent Carter as well!
    Galavant is actually on my to-watch list. The trailers I've seen look hilarious but I guess given that there are no more series coming out I don't need to rush to watch it or anything.
    Great picks for this week! :D

    1. Thanks for coming over, Bethany! I feel the same about Pushing Daisies and Galavant. I hope you enjoy it - it was a lot of fun!

  29. The only one of these I recognize is The Journeyman, but I remember really liking that show!

  30. Most of these I didn't watch, but I had every intention of watching Galavant; just never got to it. Tru Calling I saw a few times. I watched it because she played Faith on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I thought she was a fabulous actress.

    Thanks for visiting The Book Connection yesterday.

    1. That's the entire reason I started in on Tru Calling. :)

  31. I agree 100% with Constantine and Moonlight! I really loved those shows. I hate when shows I like get cancelled. :(

  32. Pushing Daisies! :) Fun list! Thank you for sharing.

  33. I've only seen Jericho, these all look good.

  34. Tru Calling! I miss that one like crazy. Great list. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier. :)

    1. I'm glad you liked it, too! Thanks for visiting my blog, Petra.

  35. AGENT CARTER. I'm devastated that it was cancelled, it totally ruined pretty much my entire year.

  36. I LOVED Pushing Daisies, I couldn't believe it when I found it was cancelled. I recently downloaded the first series to watch whilst travelling though, and I'm glad to stay it's stood the test of time! I haven't watched Agent Carter yet but I love anything Marvel so I know that when I eventually do it's going to be really annoying.

    1. I really need to do a rewatch of Pushing Daisies - it's been too long! Agent Carter is fantastic - I hope you enjoy what we got of it.

  37. Oh man Awake was SUCH an interesting premise! I was pretty sad when they cancelled that :-/. And I actually didn't know they'd cancelled Galavant! But then, it was a miracle it was renewed for a second season to begin with. I still haven't seen the second season yet but it's on Netflix now so YAYYYY

    1. It really was a miracle... hope you'll like it.

      Awake was great - I wish there was more.

  38. Ughhhh Pushing Daisies and Agent Carter. Definitely two TV shows I was utterly bummed at hearing they were cancelled.

    1. I was completely gutted when I heard about them not making the cut... :(


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