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Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Take Place In Another Country

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome to the first Top Ten Tuesday now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is Books That Take Place In Another Country.  Here we go, in no particular order:

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty - I had no clue that this was set in Australia until I started listening to the audiobook and realized everyone was speaking with Australian accents.

Sadia by Colleen Nelson - This MG/ YA Contemporary follows a Muslim Syrian immigrant to Canada.

Never, Never and Never Again by K.M. Breakey - This new release is primarily set in post-apartheid South Africa and covers current events in the country.

Murder, Magic, and What We Wore by Kelly Jones - This YA Fantasy Mystery is set during the Regency Era in London, England.

Warcross by Marie Lu - This epic new series opener by Marie Lu takes place in Tokyo, Japan when the characters aren't in game.

Want by Cindy Pon - Pon's #OwnVoices debut YA Sci-fi novel is set in a near-future Taipei, Taiwan.

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor - One of my favorites - it still makes me want to visit Prague, Czech Republic.

Rook by Sharon Cameron - This post-apocalyptic dystopian set in future Paris never seemed to get quite enough love.

The Walled City by Ryan Graudin - This YA dystopian thriller is set in a fictionalized version of the real-life Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong which was demolished in 1994.

Skulduggery Pleasant by Derek Landry - This MG/ YA urban fantasy is set primarily in Ireland.  I really hope to continue this series this year because book one was so much fun.

Have you read any of these books?  What is your favorite country to read about?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below.


  1. Replies
    1. It's great - I'd love to know what you think of it when you get there. :)

      Thanks for sharing, Mariela!

  2. This list is awesome! I completely forgot about Smoke & Bone when I was making my list😊

    1. That one was the first to come to mind! :D

      Thanks for coming over, Tammy.

  3. I've always been curious about Skulduggery Pleasant - I'm glad you liked the first book. I LOVE Daughter of Smoke and Bone and it's setting.


    1. What I've read of the series is a lot of fun.

      Thanks for coming over!

  4. It confused me so much as to why the Big Little Lies TV show was in California.

    1. I'm actually about half way through the miniseries right now - and I'm wondering the same thing.

  5. Daughter of Smoke and Bone made my list too! And it made me want to visit Prague so bad.
    Great list!
    Cora |

  6. I loved the Australian setting of Big Little Lies! And yes to the Tokyo of Warcross too. And Prague- yup.

  7. Murder, Magic, and What We Wore sounds like such a fun read!

  8. Daughter of Smoke and Bone was on my list this week too! I love Skulduggery Pleasant, such a fun series :)
    My TTT:

  9. Wow! Lots of awesome books here, especially Daughter of Smoke and Bone! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. One day I will do DOSAB. . . One day.

    My TTT

    1. I still haven't read the final book - but I will be getting to it soon. :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  11. Daughter of Smoke and Bone made my list too! I did not even think of Warcross though but now it's so clear!!!

  12. You have a wide variety of settings and I think that’s great.

  13. A lot of different locals on this list. I have actually read some of these too. I did not know that about setting for The Walled City. That was interesting.

    1. I had no idea at first, but that was incredible to find that out!

  14. That's hilarious to me about Big Little Lies because it sounds like something that would completely take me by surprise as well if I suddenly heard Australian accents!
    Sadia and Murder, Magic, and What We Wore look really good! I also love Tthe Daughter of Smoke and Bone books. Nice list, I'll have to check out some of these! :)

    1. Especially if you'd seen the show first! :)

      I hope you'll enjoy the others if you get to them, Jordan.

  15. Huh. I didn't know Warcross takes place in Japan. Why didn't I know that? I feel like not enough people have mentioned that for me to go this long without knowing. I'm hoping to pick that one up eventually. We'll see...

    Thanks for visiting Shell's Stories!

    1. Primarily that's where it's set when they aren't in the virtual reality world. :)

  16. Big Little Lies is so good!! I love your list! :)

    1. I liked it so much more than I expected. Thanks for coming over, Leslie!

  17. Great list! Rook sounds really intriguing!! :D

  18. I have the audiobook for Warcross and cannot wait to start it! I've heard really great things about the book.

    Loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone! I need to finish the series.

    Rook and The Walled City are both on my list.

    Thanks for sharing!
    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. The audiobook of Warcross is really well done - I hope you enjoy it. :)

  19. Very, very cool list! The cover for Murder, Magic and what we wore just made me smile so!

  20. I've only read the first few chapters of Walled City (just to give it a try) and it was definitely atmospheric and the setting felt like it could be its own character!

    1. It had more than enough atmosphere to do that. :)

  21. Oooh I had no idea that Warcross was set in Japan, this is just more proof that I must read it ASAP. I also didn't know about Want- you are really giving me more reasons to get to these books :D I loved the setting for The Walled City, too, that is a great choice- same with Rook, that was an epic setting too! Great choices!

  22. Sadia sounds really good, will have to look out for that one. My mum's read Big Little Lies and really liked it so now we've got the TV series to watch.

  23. Recently "blind bought" 'Murder, Magic' just because I thought it sounded cute. I hadn't read reviews, so hopefully it's a good read. I did really like Warcross (so unique!), and still want to read Rook. One thing is for sure, aside from the element of fun, Top Ten Tuesday lists remind me of ALL the books I have yet to read. :)

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lauren. :)

    1. It wasn't the best, but it was still a lot of fun, Rissi. I hope you'll enjoy it! :)

  24. I love that listening to an audiobook can change our persception (and enjoyment) of a story. The accents in Big Little Lies probably made the whole experience more vivid.

    1. It definitely helped keep me in the story - and the narrator did a fantastic job. :)

  25. Ah I forgot all about Warcross! Loved that one!

  26. These all sound so good! I have Daughter of Smoke and Bone on my TBR shelf and was eyeing it the other day. Warcross is on my TBR pile as well. I love that cover for Murder, Magic, and What We Wore! I want to read that one now. :-) I do so love traveling through books!


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