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My Own Books Reading Challenge - Announcement & TBR

Happy Thursday everyone!  Today, I'm sharing my TBR for the My Own Books Reading Challenge which is being hosted by Anne @ My Head is Full of Books.  Thanks for inviting me to join up, Anne!  The goal is pretty simple - read one to ten books that you own from March 15 to May 15th. The books can be in any format.  After you've selected your books, you'll write each title on slips of paper and randomly select one slip at a time to determine reading order. (My Baby Groot planter will be pulling double duty again!)  Once you share your TBR via your blog or Facebook, don't forget to linking back to Anne and sign up on her linky.  Once the challenge has started, don't forget to add each book title to the linky with the specific URL and blog hop to see the progress everyone is making in the reading challenge.  Finlally, after you've finished reading your books you'll have to decide what to do with it - keep it, donate it, sell it, give it to a friend, or something else.  Anyway, I think this is going to be a great reading challenge - I'm always looking for an excuse to whittle away at my mountain! 

My Challenge TBR:

Such Dark Things by Courtney Evan Tate - My dad bought this one for me not to long ago and it's time I see what this mystery thriller is all about.

Flying (Flying #1) by Carrie Jones - I picked this up at a used book sale and it sounds like a fun Buffy meets Men in Black popcorn read to me.

Natural Born Angel (Immortal City #2) by Scott Speer - Book one in this series was such a pleasant surprise - I need to continue on with the series.

The Paper Magician (The Paper Magician Trilogy #1) by Charlie N. Holmberg - I actually picked up the trilogy at Goodwill a little while back for cheap and it's more than time I read it.

Bone Quill (Hollow Earth #2) by John and Carole E. Barrowman - I totally picked this up because yes, it is that John Barrowman.

Kill the Farm Boy (The Tales of Pell #1) by Kevin Hearne and Delilah S. Dawson - This just sounds awesome, doesn't it!

Into the Dim (Into the Dim #1) by Janet Taylor - Time travel to 12th century Scotland?  Yes, please!

All the Crooked Saints by Maggie Stiefvater - I don't know why I've been putting this off, but I need more Maggie Stiefvater in my life.

The Troop by Nick Cutter - This horror novel sounds like it will be a chilling if you ask me and I can't wait to start in on it.

Double Down (Lois Lane #2) by Gwenda Bond - I loved book one ages ago and I just recently picked up the sequels so it's more than time to continue on with the series.

Are you going to take part in Anne's reading challenge?  Have you read any of these books?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. This sounds like a great challenge! I also have a copy of The Troop that I haven't read yet and I hear it's pretty violent 😁

  2. Welcome aboard! I loved/liked ALL THE CROOKED SAINTS it is so different from other Stiefvater books. Good luck.

  3. What an awesome challenge! This is basically my goal for the whole year! :-D I gotta get through the stacks of unread books I own!

  4. I love this challenge, though I know I would fail miserably at it. I really loved both Into the Dim books. Good luck to you!


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