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Mini ARC Reviews - The Grace Year by Kim Liggett & In the Hall with the Knife by Diana Peterfreund

Happy Monday everyone!  Today I'm sharing two mini reviews with you: The Grace Year by Kim Liggett and In the Hall with the Knife (Clue Mystery #1) by Diana Peterfreund.  I received both of these ARCs from NetGalley in exchange for honest reviews and both are available today, October 8th, 2019.  Read on to see my thoughts on them:

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The Grace Year by Kim Liggett is one of the most impressive upper YA dystopian novels I've had the opportunity to read in quite some time. Plus, it's easily one of the best 2019 releases I've had the opportunity to read this year. I'm so excited that I had the opportunity to give try this new novel. Kim Liggett is incredibly talented and I will certainly need to read more of her work in the future. It's a powerful combination of The Handmaid's Tale, The Hunger Games, and The Lord of the Flies that comes highly recommended from me. If you're interested in horrifically timely and smart dystopian novels, atmospheric settings, survivalist details, and a memorable cast, then The Grace Year might just be exactly what you're looking for.

My review can also be found on Goodreads.


In the Hall with the Knife by Diana Peterfreund was one of my most anticipated October releases. I mean, it's based on my favorite board game and one of my favorite movies as well. While it's a decent read on it's own and has some fun moments and references, it never quite managed to live up to my love of the game and the movie. I did enjoy how Peterfreund translated it into a boarding school murder mystery where the cast has been isolated in a mansion-like dorm building during a bout of hostile weather. The characters weren't quite as memorable as I wish they were, and it was a bit difficult for me to keep track of everyone although most everyone has a color-coded name. Overall, though, it's a solid and fun mystery, but I think my own expectations were just a little too sky high to really find myself hooked by this new take on a classic. I do plan on reading the future novels in this series as well as more from this author in the future.

My review can also be found on Goodreads.

Have you read or plan to read either of these novels?  What are you reading?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. I enjoyed In the Hall with the Knife. Peterfreund made some interesting choices with the characters, and I liked her teen imagining of old favorites. I liked that one mystery wrapped up, while there are still plenty of loose ends for the series too.

  2. I'm about two-thirds done with The Grace Year and I'm really enjoying it!


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