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Sci-Fi Month 2019 - Announcement & Potential TBR

Welcome to Sci-Fi Month 2019!  Sci-Fi Month is a month long celebration of all things sci-fi and it's hosted by Lisa @ Dear Geek Place and Imyril @ One More.  You can also follow along on Twitter if you like. (Image credit: Photo by Sebastien Decoret on with a quote from This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone).  I had a lot of fun participating the last three years, so I'm glad to be back again!  I'll still be doing my regular posts, but some of them, like my Music Monday, Top Ten Tuesday, and The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings) + 50/50 Friday posts, may have a sci-fi flavor.  Also be on the look out for sci-fi movie and/ or tv reviews and a few other special things I've got planned.  At the end of the month, I'll also be holding a giveaway - so be sure to keep your eyes open for that!  Read on for my potential sci-fi tbr for the coming month:

Aurora Rising (The Aurora Cycle #1) by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - I've been saving this up especially for November.  I'm so excited to be getting to it - these two authors are so talented together so my expectations are very high to say the least.

Broken Angels (Takeshi Kovacs #2) by Richard K. Morgan - I really enjoyed Altered Carbon, the first book in this series (and the tv adaptation is pretty good too even though it's different), so I'm hoping this sequel is decent as well.

A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers #2) by Becky Chambers - I don't know why I've been putting of this sequel because I absolutely loved book one.  I can't wait to read this!

Cross Fire (Exo #2) by Fonda Lee - Lee has quickly become one of my favorite authors what with Jade City and Exo, the first novel in this series, and it sounds like this one will be totally awesome.

Imprudence (The Custard Protocol #2) by Gail Carriger - Gail Carriger is hands down my favorite steampunk author and this spin off series started off extremely strong so I've got high hopes for the sequel.

Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse #1) by James S.A. Corey - I've had this on my shelf for ages.  It's about time I get to it.

Night of the Humans (Doctor Who: New Series Adventures #38) by David Llewellyn - I'm going to listen to the audiobook production which is narrated by Arthur Darvill, the actor who plays Rory in the tv series.  I've listened to a couple of other Doctor Who books and audio exclusives that he's narrated and he'd a great job with those so I'm looking forward to hearing him again here.

Recursion by Blake Crouch - This is going to be amazing - I can feel it!

Stranger Things: Runaway Max (Stranger Things Novels #3) by Brenna Yovanoff - The other Stranger Things books have been pretty great, so how could I resist this YA prequel featuring Max.

Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor, Vol, 1. Revolutions of Terror by Nick Abadzis, Elena Casagrande, and Arianna Florian - I've been wanting to try the Doctor Who comics for ages now, so what better time to start them this month.  Since the Tenth Doctor is my favorite, I figure I can't go wrong!

Are you taking part in Sci-Fi Month this year, or have you in the past?  Have you read any of these books?  What are you reading this month?  As always, thanks for visiting my blog and perhaps even commenting down below!


  1. If you have the opportunity to get the Aurora Rising audiobook, I 100% recommend that. It has a full cast and the production is amazing!

    (Amber Elise @ Du Livre)

    1. I'll be reading the hardcover, but I'll keep that in mind for the future. I know it's still a long wait for the audiobook edition via my library.

  2. I'd love to know what you think of Recursion!!! Good luck with the month long scifi reads, Lauren! :)

  3. I didn't realize Scifi Month was starting so soon! I need to hurry up and write my posts for it. :)

  4. Yay!! I love SciFi month <3 This is the first announcement I have seen for it :D I need to read Aurora Rising still, maybe I will get to it next month :D

  5. Oh I am hopefully reading The Expanse book 1 as well this sci-fi month. Happy Reading :D

  6. Welcome back! I'm so excited - and really looking forward to what you make of Leviathan Wakes and Closed and Common Orbit (I love both these series, although they're pretty much opposite ends of the space opera spectrum!)

    1. Thanks, imyril! That's what I've been told about them so we'll see!

  7. Ooh, I really want to read Aurora Rising! I hope you enjoy it, and I'm looking forward to your posts! :D


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