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Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Will Make You Laugh (Or At Least Chuckle)

Happy Tuesday everyone!  Welcome back to Top Ten Tuesday, a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this week's theme is Books That Will Make You Laugh (Or At Least Chuckle).  The ten books listed below are some of my recent reads that definitely tickled my funny bone - and all of these are quite different - from age group, genre, and sense of humor.  Each is listed in order from most recent read and each title is linked to my review.

Tricked (The Iron Druid Chronicles #4) by Kevin Hearne

Hawkeye, Vol. 1 by Matt Fraction

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson

Beastly Bones (Jackaby #2) by William Ritter

Hostile Takeover (John Lago #2) by Shane Kuhn

Stand-Off (Winger #2) by Andrew Smith

Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets by J.A. Buckle

Dodger by Terry Pratchett

The Martian by Andy Weir

Sidekicked by John David Anderson

What do you think of my list this week?  Have you read any of the ones that made my list?  Do you have any recommendations for me?  What made your list this week?  As always thanks for visiting my blog and taking the time to comment.  All comments are appreciated and I try to respond to everyone.


  1. Cool to see some graphic novels on here- I haven't read Hawkeye but like the character. :)

    1. Hawkeye is so much fun! I really hope you like it! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. I've read the first Kevin Hearne book and a few of the short stories in the series and I enjoy the humour. I'm looking forward to a series catch up!

    1. I haven't read any of the short stories yet, but I'd like to! :) Thanks for visiting.

  3. Nice selection. I don't even know many of them but will look them up. So, none of them is on my list. Still, good choices.

    Thanks for sharing,
    Marianne from
    Let's Read

    1. Thanks! And, thanks for sharing! :)

    2. But of course. Always nice to see what others read.

      Marianne from
      Let's Read

  4. I had no idea The Martian was funny!

    1. Given his circumstances Mark Watney is hysterical! :)

  5. I really need to start The Iron Druid Chronicles. I see it popping up on quite a few lists. Also, I see a lot of people mentioning The Martian, yet it sits on my shelf unread. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Both are great - by the way, I'm in the middle of Tricked right now. I forgot how much I loved the series. :)

  6. I had no idea The Martian was funny either but it's showing up a lot today! My TTT

    1. I was wondering if it would! :) Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love this weeks topic, I am such a fan of books that can make me laugh. The Martian made my list too, Mark Watney is one of my favourite characters and he made me laugh so much!!! You've got some great picks this weeks, and I am definitely going to add a few of these to my own TBR. Thanks for the recommendations! :) You can check out my picks here.

    1. Watney's voice certain made the story, didn't it! XD Thanks for stopping by and sharing!

  8. OMG. I need to read Half My Facebook Friends are Ferrets! Too funny!
    My TTT:

    1. If you liked Winger, you'll definitely love Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets! Thanks for sharing!

  9. I keep seeing The Martian pop up on people's lists! It's been on my TBR for a while now...didn't really expect it to be funny but it sounds like it must be!

    1. The humor makes the book. If it was dry, it wouldn't be nearly as entertaining as it is.

      Quotes like: "They're crawling down my throat, Venkat, and up my arse. They're meeting in the middle!" (Annie, the publicity lady at NASA." " My arse is doing as much to keep me alive as my brain is." (Watney). "I don't mean to brag or anything, but I'm the best damn botanist on the planet." (Watney, as the only person on Mars.) "Disco? God ----- it, Lewis!"

  10. "Half my Facebook Friends are Ferrets?" Awesome title!

  11. I still haven't gotten around to The Martian - must remedy soon! Quite a few I'm unfamiliar with too so I'll have to check them out :D I love a good laugh

  12. The Martian was such a funny book and totally wasn't expecting it. Great list!!

  13. I loved Nimona! And yes -- The Martian is certainly making the rounds -- so funny!

  14. I pondered including some of the classic era Spider-Man comics in my list...because he was so quippy back in the day.

  15. Nimona is on my list as well, and I have heard great things about Winger and the Martian as funny books. I hope to get around to them soon :)

  16. I should really pick up Nomina, I hear nothing but good things. I bought Sidekicked for my nephew for Christmas and will now have to borrow it from him!

  17. Ha, The Martian made my list too. Mark was so funny!

  18. I can't wait to pick up Nimona! I've heard such good things about it! :-)

  19. Sidekicked has such an amazing cover! I'm definitely checking it out - I've never heard of it before. I do want to read Nimona too, because I loved her Lumberjanes! And the Martian! I had it on my list too, like you and so many others. I love that everyone who has read it (or almost) thinks it's hilarious :D

    1. I really just stumbled upon Sidekicked and was pleasantly surprised by it. Lumberjanes is so much fun, but Nimona was the first by Stephenson that I read). :D

  20. Nimona, Pratchett and The Martian are ALL on my tbr shelf!! Pratchett especially was a really popular choice this week so I'm feeling an urgent need to find out what I'm missing out on :) Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier ♥

    1. Dodger and Discworld are fantastic - I hope you like Pratchett! :D

  21. BIG yes to Nimona! That one is super funny. I just started the Winger audiobook and I can't stop cracking up! I'm loving it. :)

    1. To Noelle Stevenson in general! :) I'm glad you're liking Winger!

      Thanks for visiting my blog!

  22. Nice! I adore THE MARTIAN and desperately need to read William Ritter (I have both of his books in my TBR!).

    1. William Ritter's Jackaby books are so much fun! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  23. Oh, I've been wanting to read Hawkeye so much! I'll have to find it one day.

    Also, Beastly Bones. I read the first Jackoby book and loved it so much. It really made me smile. I can't wait to read the next one.

    I always laugh over Percy Jackson books. Calvin and Hobbes is both thought provoking and hilariously true. The Princess Bride is just funny for the sake of being funny. XD Lately, I've been watching the Teen Titans (not Teen Titans Go, and yeah I know this isn't book related), but it makes me laugh all the time. The animation itself is funny.

    1. I hope you get to both Hawkeye and Beastly Bones and love them!

      I know exactly what you mean about Teen Titans! :)

  24. Ooo Nimona looks great! I've been wanting to read that one.

  25. Uh, as I said before A+ for picking Hawkeye, Vol. 1! The lines that Matt Fraction delivers are too good (“Boomerang arrow, Kate -- It comes back to you in the end. Boomerang. Respect it.” - will always be my favorite).

    Also hello some TBR books: The Martian (loved the movie, book can only be better), Stand Off (Loved Winger, need to read this), and Nimona (I will read anything Noelle Stevenson crafts; love it online must own physical copy).

    Great picks! :)

    1. So many good Hawkeye quotes! :)

      The Martian both book and movie are pretty fantastic with the book just slightly edging out the movie (of course).

  26. Ooh, it's hard to pick one Iron Druid book that is most comical, but I think I agree with you on Tricked being the one. Coyote MAKES the book. XD

    The Martian is another great choice, too. I love Mark's sardonic attitude! Good list!

    Brittany @

  27. I've only read The Martian, but I thought it was great. And I loved the movie as well. Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by my TTT earlier.

    1. Both were really well done! Thanks for stopping by my blog too. :)

  28. I really want to read The Martian! SO many people have said it's utterly hilarious and that's the kind of humour I need in my life for sure. XD

    1. I don't laugh out loud at books often but I did with The Martian. :)

  29. I feel so dumb that I forgot to add Nimona to my list! That was one of my favorite reads last year and it was definitely hilarious.

    1. I definitely should have added Lumberjanes to my list as well. :)

  30. I know - how could you pass by a book with a title like that! :) Excellent choices, Emily - classics!

    I stepped up to the plate for your challenge! Definitely let me know what you think. I can completely understand about TKR! Hope your loving it!

  31. Aww, I love the title "Half My Facebook Friends Are Ferrets"...half my Instagram friends are cats :D Cool list, looks like I need to read Hawkeye.


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