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The Friday 56 (With Book Beginnings): Passenger (Passenger #1) by Alexandra Bracken

Welcome to The Friday 56, a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice.

These are the rules:
1. Grab a book, any book.
2. Turn to page 56, or 56% on your eReader.
3. Find any sentence (or a few, just don't spoil it) that grabs you.
4. Post it.
5. Add the URL to your post in the link on Freda's most recent Friday 56 post.

I'm also taking part in Book Beginnings, a weekly meme hosted by Rose City Reader.  The rules are pretty simple - you share the first sentence or so and your initial thoughts, impressions, or whatever else it inspires.  Don't forget to link up your post's url with Rose City Reader.

This week I'm spotlighting what will be my next read, Passenger (Passenger #1) by Alexandra Bracken, which I hope to begin quite soon.  I'm really excited to start in on it, but also kind of scared at the same time.  I've seen a lot of mixed reviews - some of my favorite reviewers have given it high praise, while other favorites have given it low marks.  I don't know who to trust!  Anyway, I really want to like this one, since the concept is so intriguing.


[Bhutan 1890]


As they ascended, retreating farther from the winding trails that marked the way to nearby villages, the world opened to him in its purest form: silent, ancient, mysterious. 



A sharp, deafening crack broke through the faint hum in his ears; Nicholas swung his attention up, toward the aft of the ship.  A section of the mizzenmast, the third mast of three, had finally snapped under its own weight, just as he'd feared it might.

And it slowed, time did.  He let out a sound that was less a warning and more of a terrified shout as the wood splintered and the sails collapsed in on themselves with a thwack and a flutter.  The lines supporting the mast snapped as if God himself had cut them, and  the whole of it - the topgallant, the topmast. the rigging, and the metal hardware - came crashing down over them.  

I have no idea what's going on in the 56 scene, but it totally reminds me of that scene from the first Pirates of the Caribbean when the Black Pearl attacks the Interceptor.  That part where Ragetti and Pintel fire chain shot breaking and collapsing the mast of the Interceptor onto the deck of the Black Pearl, and Barbossa steps just ahead of it before boarding with the crew.  It happens right before this scene:

Or, maybe that's just me!


  1. I've seen this book on a lot of lists but didn't know what it was about. Next week is Spring Break. I hope to really dig in to some good YA books.
    My TTT

  2. I have seen the book around. Pretty cover.
    sherry @ fundinmental Friday Memes

  3. Sounds exciting...and mysterious. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  4. Been wanting to read this book. I like the writing already.

    My Friday 56

    1. I'm really enjoying it so far! Thanks for sharing and I hope you'll like it!

  5. I haven't heard much about this book but I love the cover. The beginning was very intriguing as well. I hope it lives up to your expectations.

  6. I have this book on TBR mountain. I'll look forward to seeing what you think about it. This week I am featuring Flawed by Cecelia Ahern. Happy reading!

    1. I'll be interested to see what you think of it, too! Thanks for sharing.

  7. We just finished this book recently, Ann loved it and I thought it was good but kind of over hyped. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. Thanks - I'm glad to know you guys liked it. :)

      Thanks for sharing!

  8. I have really disliked a book, and some of my friends who normally like the same book I do have loved it. And the other way around. It can be hard to know what to do. I hope you enjoy it though. I would love for you to check out mine...

    1. I've seen so many mixed reviews - I hope I will end up liking it. So far I am. Thanks for sharing!

  9. I thought this one was just okay, but I do hope you enjoy it! Happy weekend, Lauren!

  10. I really like the beginning...the 56 is a pretty gripping scene too...hope you enjoy it! Here's my Friday meme

  11. Sounds awesome! I totally need to read this one! Happy weekend!

  12. Just ignore the reviews and read it! It may be the book for you! It sounds intriguing indeed!


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