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Anything But Books Tag

I spotted this tag over at Erica Robyn Reads (created by ReadorRot) and I tagged myself.  It's looks like it's going to be fun!  Here we go:

1. Name a cartoon that you love.

Danny Phantom - Recently I was poking around on Pinterest and saw a pin about the show - totally reminded me of how much I loved it!  I wouldn't mind if it made a come back!

2. What is your favorite song right now?

There are too many!  My Music Monday posts should give you a pretty good idea of some of my favorites!

3. What could you do for hours that isn't reading?

I absolutely love going on bike rides - I could do that for hours!  In fact, I did it for four hours (26.6 miles) on Thursday!

4. What is something you love to do that your followers would be surprised by?

Finger knitting - I haven't done it in a little while, but it's kind of addicting.

5. What is your favorite unnecessarily specific thing to learn about?

I love learning about women in WWII, particularly the WASPS (Women Airforce Service Pilots).  I wouldn't exactly call it unnecessarily specific, but it's still fascinating.

6. What is something unusual you know how to do?

I think my answer for number four can fit here - so finger knitting.  I actually learned how in middle school art class.

7. Name something you’ve made in the last year.

Glass painting was a library craft earlier in the year - the coating is Elmer's glue, food coloring, and water) - and I think mine turned out pretty well!

8. What is your most recent personal project?

Family genealogy - it's been an ongoing project for a while actually.

9. Tell us something you think about often.

Book, books, books, and more books!  Personally and professionally, of course.

10. Give us something that's your favorite, but make it something oddly specific.

Since it's summer, ice cream!  Oddly specific favorite - black raspberry with cinnamon apple topping and gummy bears from Friendly's!  Sounds terrible, but it's really delicious!

11. Lastly, say the first thing that pops into your head.

I wish my local Friendly's hadn't closed... I miss it so much!

As always, thanks very much for visiting my blog and perhaps commenting down below!  If you'd like to take part in the Anything But Books Tag, consider yourself tagged!


  1. I've been working on my family genealogy as well, for the last few years. It's a fascinating and time consuming project, but it's worth it.

  2. Genealogy projects are always interesting. My mother tried to do our family a few years ago. My dad's side was difficult to get information on because my father immigrated here, but since my mom is 2nd generation American, she was able to find more information. Enjoy all your research.
    Sam @ WLABB

    1. I'd like to find out more on my mother's side, but the her maiden name is pretty common making it more difficult to track. Thanks, same to you Sam!

  3. Oh my gosh, I loved Danny Phantom!!


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